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Currency [0]/Explanatory TextG5Explanatory Text % 0Good;Good  a%1 Heading 1G Heading 1 DTj%[2 Heading 2G Heading 2 DTj%?3 Heading 3G Heading 3 DTj%234 Heading 49 Heading 4 DTj% 5InputuInput ̙ ??v% 6 Linked CellK Linked Cell }% 7NeutralANeutral  e%3Normal % 8Noteb Note   9OutputwOutput  ???%????????? ???:$Percent ;Title1Title DTj% <TotalMTotal %[[= Warning Text? Warning Text %XTableStyleMedium2PivotStyleLight16`.Sheet1$ _201704CSV;[a| @!}TERMCRNSUBJCRSE#SECTITLECRDISTRPROJCOMMENTINSTR1INSTR2PTRMDESC1TIME1DAYS1BLDG_RM1DESC2TIME2DAYS2BLDG_RM2PEAC09003Peace Studies Thesis (W)W Buiza, NanciMachuca-Galvez, MiltonThesisTBAARTH02601Colloq: Art Chemistry&ConservHUReilly, PatriciaHeck, VirginiaCourse 1:15pm-2:30pmTTH Beardsley 316Lab 2:31pm-4:30pmTHScience Center 277CHEM044APhysical Chem-Atoms- Lab Wagner, Kyle 1:00pm-4:30pmScience Center 279BIOL097Themes in BiologyNS0Weekly discussions Fridays 3:30-5pm, Martin 210. Merz, Rachel Vollmer, AmySeminar1 2:00pm-5:00pmF Martin 210Science Center 101001ECell & Molecular Biol- LabVallen, Elizabeth8:00am-11:00amTScience Center 204Cellular & Molecular Biol (W) NS, NSEP, W4Student must register for one lab section A-E below.Stowell, Nicole10:30am-11:20amMWFENVS089Sustainability Rsch MethodsEligible for ENVS program.Crossan, DeniseEverbach, Carr 1:00pm-4:00pmLang Center 112ENGREngineering Design (W) See Dept Admin Asst to register. Molter, LynneSiddiqui, FaruqResearch Project032Organic Chem II- Lab%If Collection is held, see Professor.Newport, Maria Halley, Donna 1:00pm-2:30pmScience Center 181Science Center 174BCD Paley, RobertM092A UNFCCC COPGraves, ChristopherPeck, Jennifer Directed Rdg010Fdns of Chem Principles- LabHoward, KathleenBurkhard, CarolineScience Center 264Science Center 274Miller, StephenPorello, Silvia Sonntag, Lori 8:00am-9:15am9:16am-11:15amGKudish, Philip 1:15pm-4:15pmRELG005World ReligionsEligible for PEAC program. Wallace, MarkKessler, Gwynn9:55am-11:10amPearson Hall 006Noveral, JocelyneMiller, StaceyHIST091Senior Research Seminar (W)SS, WBurke, Timothy Azfar, Farid 1:15pm-3:55pmTrotter Hall 203PHYSSpacetime and Quanta Graves, AmySmith, TristanScience Center 104XSpacetime and Quanta- prob ses9Required for first year students; recommended for others.Problem session 7:00pm-9:00pmScience Center 1280211:20am-12:35pm Clemens, ErinMUSI042Chinese Ensemble Bryant, Lei Wang, Guowei Performance 4:30pm-6:00pmLang Music Building 415DAdd'l 30 minutes/week for smaller groups. Eligible for ASIA program. Carone, DawnHaas, GenevievePSYCIntroduction to PsychologySSSchneider, Allen103Rsch Pract:Behav NeuropharmacopCredit range .5-1. See Dept Admin Asst to register. Cannot be taken CR/NC. If Collection is held, see Instructor 1:00pm-2:15pmWhittier Hall 104099Neuroscience Thesis180Senior Honors ThesisSenior Honors Study024Developmental BiologyNS, NSEPSStudents must register for one lab section A or B below. Eligible for GSST program.Davidson, Bradley 8:30am-9:45am0943Credit range .5-1. See Dept Admin Asst to register.Developmental Biology- Lab Martin 307PHED002B05Fitness Training- Fall II&1 PE unit- Fall II; 10/23-12/12, 2017.Carroll, Peter Phys Educ 2:45pm-4:00pmMWMatchbox FITNESS079VV: Cross Country (Women)62 PE units. By permission only. Not in pre-enrollment.078VV: Cross Country (Men)ECONIntroduction to Economics Caskey, John Kohlberg 226022Financial Economics9:30am-10:20am Kohlberg 22806 Durgin, FrankLALS030Drugs, Gangs US ImperialismEligible for LALS program. 1:15pm-4:00pm093Dir Rdg:MATH067Modern Algebra I- ProbShimamoto, DonScience Center 149Z075Topics in GeometryScience Center 158Modern Algebra I (W)NS, WWStudents must register for one problem session W or Z below. Eligible for COGS program.11:30am-12:20pm003General Physics I- LabScience Center L45035Solar Energy Systems Hicks 211 Hicks 401SOCI010BFYS: Everyday Life Charlton, Joy FY Seminar Kohlberg 230SOAN09610[Student enrolled in SOAN 096 will be enrolled in SOAN 098. See Dept Admin Asst to register.EDUC064Comparative Education (W) Smulyan, Lisa2Credit range 1-2. See Dept Admin Asst to register.DANC049BDance Perf: Repertory- Tap Davis, LaDeva 6:00pm-7:30pmLang Perf Arts Ctr 3049BPPE Dance: Repertory- Tap 2 PE units.047Performance-Chamber MusicEligible for MDST program.Johns, MichaelPOLS025Supreme Crt/Fed Judic in PolitValelly, Richard 1:30pm-4:30pmTrotter Hall 303002American Politics 2:40pm-3:55pmTrotter Hall 301059Hebrew for Text Study IICross-listed with LING 010.Plotkin, HelenLodges 5092Rdgs in Classical Jewish TextsLINGCross-listed with RELG 059.022AStep Dance Aerobics- Fall I$1 PE unit- Fall I; 9/04-10/13, 2017. 5:00pm-6:30pm Clothier TACS011Intermed Microecon-ConferenceGolub, Stephen Conference 4:05pm-4:55pm Kohlberg 218 2:40pm-3:30pm 1:40pm-2:30pm11:20am-12:10pm 8:55am-9:45amIntermediate Microeconomics<Students must register for one conference section A-F below.9:55am-10:45amENGLRise of the NovelEligible for INTP program.Buurma, RachelLang Perf Arts Ctr 301020Animal Physiology- LabHiebert Burch, Sara Martin 122098Animal PhysiologySStudents must register for one lab section A or B below. Eligible for ENVS program.Science Center L32003LGen Phys: Biomedical Applicati5Students must register for one lab section A-D below.Geller, BenjaminScience Center 199Directed Reading011AX1Elect'l Circuit Analys I- Prob5Fall I; 9/4-10/13, 2017. Recommended Problem Session. 2:00pm-4:00pmElect'l Circuit Analys ISStudents must register for one lab section A1 or A2 below. Fall I; 9/4-10/13, 2017. 8:30am-9:20am011BElect'l Ct Analys II- Prob Ses7Fall II; 10/23-12/8, 2017. Recommended Problem Session.Elect'l Circuit Analys IIUStudents must register for one lab section B1 or B2 below. Fall II; 10/23-12/8, 2017.Law and EconomicsKuperberg, MarkScience Center 105102Adv Macroeconomics (2).Double-graded seminar. BOTH SECTIONS required.Seminar2 1:15pm-6:00pmAdv Macroeconomics (1)013Harmony,Counterpoint & Form 34Must concurrently take MUSI 040C for 0 or .5 credit.Levinson, Gerald119 CompositionPermission of the instructor.Lang Music Building 409041YThermofluid Mech-Prob SessMacken, Nelson 1:15pm-3:00pmThermofluid MechanicsTStudents must register for one Lab section A-D and one problem session X or Y below.Problems in Technology (W)Eligible for ENVS program 1:15pm-5:30pm Hicks 110ARTT074Advanced Studies: SculptureMeunier, Brian Studio Course050Sculpture I: Mat'ls & Processe Beardsley 101Senior Thesis Wkshp II004BFYS:Intro to Social Thry (T)Munoz, Braulio Kohlberg 236024CLatnAmer Soc Through its Novel091B Spec TopicsRenninger, K. AnnIndependent Study021Educational PsychologyCross-listed with EDUC 021. Required for PSYC-EDUC special majors. Does not count in min credits in PSYC program. Eligible for CBL.7:00pm-10:00pm Honors ThesisCross-listed with PSYC 021. Required for PSYC-EDUC special majors; does not count in min credits for PSYC program. Eligible for CBL.016BRsch Methods in Soc Sci (M)Laurison, Daniel180F109Distinction:Class & Tastes (1)Distinction:Class & Tastes (2)[Students enrolled in Soan 96 will be enrolled in Soan 098. See Dept Admin Asst to register.071Salsa Dance/Drumming6Cross-listed with MUSI 071. Eligible for BLST program. Arrow, Kim 6:00pm-9:00pm6Cross-listed with DANC 071. Eligible for BLST program.049DDance Perf: Repertory- TaikoEligible for ASIA program. 2:15pm-5:15pmLang Perf Arts Ctr 2045PPE Dance Technique: Yoga 2 PE units 3:00pm-4:30pm071PPE:Dance:Salsa/Drumming045Dance Technique- Yoga049DPPE Dance: Repertory- Taiko072Electronic Circuit Application8Students must regis< ter for one lab section A or B below. Cheever, ErikScience Center 183Electronic Circuit Applic- Lab Hicks 310015BB1Dsgn Digi & Embed Systs- LabFall II; 10/23-12/8, 2017. Hicks 212B2015AA2Dig Syst/Comp Engr Fundam- LabFall I; 9/4-10/13, 2017.A1LATN129Caligula & Claudius (W) (2)Turpin, William 1:30pm-2:45pm 1:30pm-3:30pm029Caligula and Claudius (W)HU, WTrotter Hall 215Caligula & Claudius (W) (1)060Structural Analysis Hicks 303Mechanics of Solids-If in ENGR 041 register for ENGR 041 Wed Lab.091CSpecTop: Music EducationWhitman, Thomas049Performance: Balinese Gamelan4Eligible for ASIA program. Add'l hr/wk;time/day TBD.Lang Music Building 2156Eligible for ASIA program. Add'l hour/wk;time/day TBD.SpecEd: Issues & PracticeCross-listed with PSYC 026.Linn, Margaret023AAdolescence-Attachment Attachment 4:15pm-6:00pmPearson Hall 220SpecEd:Issues & Practice-Cross-listed with EDUC 026. Eligible for CBL.043Environmental Policy/PoliticsNackenoff, CarolAncient Political TheorySTATTpcs in Applied Statistics (W)Eligible for COGS program.Schofield, LynneStatistical ThinkingPHILAncient Philosophy (1)Ledbetter, Grace 1:16pm-6:00pmTrotter Hall 115GREK111Greek Philosophers (2) 1:30pm-5:00pmGreek Philosophers (1)Ancient Philosophy (2)Complex AnalysisJohnson, Aimee 1:15pm-4:30pmScience Center 10202704Linear AlgebraFYS:Rel & the Meaning of Life Ross, Ellen Beardsley 318101Jesus in Hist, Lit & Theol (1) Kohlberg 202Jesus in Hist, Lit & Theol (2)140Col Encounter-Africa (1)fDouble-graded seminar. BOTH SECTIONS required. Eligible for BLST or INTP programs, Digital Humanities.Trotter Hall 210Col Encounter-Africa (2)7Credit range .5  1. See Dept Admin Asst to register.Chireau, YvonneBlk Wmn,Spirituality, Religion"Eligible for BLST or GSST program. Kohlberg 116019FYS: Religion and FoodPearson Hall 210073Race,Ethnicity&Gender in Econ Bayer, AmandaLGMST104Age of Goethe (1)Werlen, Hansjakob 7:00pm-9:30pmIntro to German Studies Kohlberg 318Age of Goethe (2)Inten Elementary German3Students must enroll in drill section A or B below.Language Reeves, Keith3Credit range .5-2. See Dept Admin Asst to register.052BCore: US Fiction-1945-PresentSchmidt, Peter116Redefining US Southern Lit (1) 1:15pm-5:00pmLang Perf Arts Ctr 201070KDir Creative Writing ProjectsWorkshopRedefining US Southern Lit (2)100AncPolTheory:Plato-Hobbes(1)IDouble-graded seminar. BOTH SECTIONS required. Eligible for INTP program.Sharpe, Kenneth7:00pm-11:59pmTrotter Hall 309AncPolitTheory:Plato-Hobbes(2)Latin American Politics (1)IDouble-graded seminar. BOTH SECTIONS required. Eligible for LALS program.Latin American Politics (2)HInvertebrate Biology- Lab Martin 123Invertebrate Biology026AInvertebrate Biology-Attachmen White, TyreneComparative Politics/China (1)IDouble-graded seminar. BOTH SECTIONS required. Eligible for ASIA program.Comparative Politics/China (2)048Politics of Population058Contemporary Chinese PoliticsTrotter Hall 201053Educating Emergent Bilinguals0Eligible for GSST, INTP or LALS program and CBL.Allard, Elaine Kohlberg 115Research Seminar$Ling 100 and Ling 195 meet together.Napoli, Donna Jo 2:15pm-5:00pm Kohlberg 01W Syntax (W)063Literacy Among Deaf ChildrenMcCabe Library 306FYS: Taboo Terms & Slang (W)Trotter Hall 315095Comm Svc Crdt: Literacy & DeafEligible for CBL.Hungerford, Constance001FFYS: Picasso (W)164Modernism in Paris & NY (2) Beardsley 305Modernism in Paris & NY (1)Medit:Muslm/Chrstn/Jew (2)Bensch, StephenMedit:Muslm/Chrstn/Jew (1)QDouble-graded seminar. BOTH SECTIONS required. Eligible for ISLM or MDST program.002AMedieval Europe006AFormation of Islamic Near East"Eligible for ISLM or MDST program.CPSC081Adaptive RoboticsSStudents must register for one Lab section A or B below. Eligible for COGS program. Meeden, LisaScience Center L26Adaptive Robotics- Lab 1:15pm-2:45pmScience Center 256Hunter, ThomasAdv Tpcs: Single Vari CalculusKSiwicki, KathleenASIA Thesis (W)Hopkins, StevenFMST037Gender and Genre on TelevisionFPre-req: FMST 001 or Instructor permission. Eligible for GSST program. Simon, SunkaFilm ScreeningGen Phys: Biomedical Appl- LabKlassen, MaryAnnScience Center L03Anderson, Nathalie118Modern Poetry (2)Modern Poetry (1)009NFYS: Philadelphia Poets (W)139Phenom/Existent/PostStruct (2)Lorraine, TamsinPhenom/Existent/PostStruct (1)001CIntro: Truth and Desire (W)THEALighting Design Murphy, James 1:00pm-3:45pmLang Perf Arts Ctr 310 4:15pm-6:15pmLang Perf Arts Ctr FREARSPAN069Cartografias urbanasGuardiola, Maria-LuisaReligion and EcologyFCross-listed with ENVS 040. Eligible for ENVS or PEAC program and CBL.040FCross-listed with RELG 022. Eligible for ENVS or PEAC program and CBL. Shakespeare Johnson, NoraLyric Pastoral & Elegiac PoetrMunson, RosariaANCH031The Greeks & Persian Empire(W)Williamson, Craig070DGrendel's WorkshopGraded CR/NC only.Core: Survey I:Beowulf -MiltonOrganic Chemistry II<Student must register for one CHEM 32 lab section A-E below.Honors Research ThesisO'Connell, Stephen181Economic Development (1)WDouble-graded seminar. BOTH SECTIONS required. Eligible for ASIA. BLST or PEAC program.Economic Development (2)Brown, Michael001BTennis- Fall IIGress, Patrick%Mullan Tennis/Fitness Building MULLAN07Fitness Training- Fall I001ATennis- Fall IFoundation DrawingCarpenter, Sydney 1:15pm-3:20pmOld Tarble 112 Ceramics I Beardsley 301070Advanced Studies:Ceramics004Intro to Phil, Pols & EconomicOberdiek, Hans023 Metaphysics Raff, CharlesFYS: Questions of Inquiry(W)Health EconomicsMagenheim, EllenFREN113Re-Contons l'histoire (1)Rice-Maximin, Micheline Kohlberg 334Intensive 1st Year French Lang=Students must enroll in section A or B below and FREN 013.01. Kohlberg 328Re-Contons l'histoire (2)Food in the Mod Era,1850-2000Dorsey, AllisonBlack Cultural Center 203007BAfrican Amer Hist 1865-PresentAEligible for BLST program. Recommended for teacher certification. EconometricsJefferson, PhilipCHINIntro to Mandarin- DrillSpeidel, KirstenDrillPearson Hall 005Intro to Mandarin-Drill001RFYS: Remembering History (W) Dorsey, Bruce005A1The United States to 187708Independent Research Ward, Andrew135Seminar in Social PsychologyCannot be taken CR/NC.Physical Chem-Atoms, Molecules@Student must register for one CHEM 044 lab section A or B below.Research Thesis017AFYS: Literature and Medicine"Cross-listed with with LITR 017FA.Blanchard, Jean-VincentIntensive Intermediate French=Students must enroll in section A or B below and FREN 013.03.014Advanced FrenchLITR017FACross-listed with FREN 017A.W Student must register for one problem session X or Y below. Eligible for COGS program. Grood, Cheryl 3:00pm-4:00pm 4:00pm-5:00pm;See Dept Admin Asst to register. Eligible for ENVS program.DiChiro, Giovanna089EEcofeminism(s)?Cross-listed with ENVS 012. Eligible for ENVS or GSST programs.085Urban Community Actions"Eligible for ENVS program and CBL.7Cross-listed with ENGL 089E. Eligible for ENVS program.Willie-LeBreton, SarahThesis Writers Master Class!Only open to SOAN Thesis Writers.6:30pm-10:30pmBLST015Introduction to Black StudiesEligible for BLST program.[Students enrolled in SOAN 96 will be enrolled in SOAN 098. See Dept Admin Asst to register.007SRStuRun: Intro Mixed Race Studi>Credit range .5-1, see organizer to re< cord credit. CR/NC only.09 Gillham, JaneIntern'l Political Economy (1)NDouble-graded seminar. BOTH SECTIONS required. Pre-req: POLS 004 and ECON 001. Kaya, Ayse 1:00pm-5:00pmIntern'l Political Economy (2)007Introductory Mechanics- Lab Neat, AdamScience Center L44Earth's Climate/Global Warming Jensen, EricIntro to Computer Science]Students must register for one Lab section A-D below. Eligible for Digital Humanities (DGHU).Knerr, JeffreyComparative Politics Balkan, Osman099SRStuRun: Rdgs in Communist Thgh7Credit range .5-1. See the Student Oganizer to register7:00pm-11:00pm079Islam and Muslims in the WestDance Technique- Modern I Poe, Jumatatu040PPE Dance: Modern I049APPE Dance: Repertory- Modern049ADance Perf: Repertory- ModernDance Technique- Modern II 2:40pm-4:10pm050PPE Dance: Modern IIFYS: Early Social CognitionChristie, Stella17039Developmental Psychology066Colloq:Race,Space,ArchitectureGoldstein, Brian Wang, Steve023RMuslim in Russia (W)6Cross-listed with RUSS 023. Eligible for ISLM program. Frey, EmilyRUSS7Cross-listed with LITR 023R. Eligible for ISLM program.017FYS: Love/Sex in Russ Lit (W)7Cross-listed with LITR 017R. Eligible for GSST program.017RFYS:Love/Sex in Russ Lit (W)6Cross-listed with RUSS 017. Eligible for GSST program.Intro to Computer Systems- Lab Newhall, Tia10:30am-12:00pm Clothier 016Intro to Computer Systems5Students must register for one Lab section A-C below. Photography I Tarver, RonOld Tarble 106Advanced Studies: PhotographyMachine Learning- Lab Soni, Ameet 1:05pm-2:35pmDirRdg: 2:45pm-4:15pmMachine LearningModern Algebra IIBergstrand, Deb 6:45pm-9:30pm028Linear Algebra- HonorsScience Center 145115Harmony,Counterpoint &Form 5Kochavi, JonathanLang Music Building 204Harmony,Counterpoint & Form 14Must concurrently take MUSI 040A for 0 or .5 credit.055CHContemporary Chinese CinemaBCross-listed with CHIN 055 or FMST 055. Eligible for ASIA program. Lee, Casey055Contemp Chinese CinemaDCross-listed with FMST 055 or LITR 055CH. Eligible for ASIA program.023CHMdrn Chinese LiteratureCross-listed with CHIN 023.Lang Center 1068Cross-listed with LITR 023CH. Eligible for ASIA program.Readings-Modern Chinese Guess, CarolIntroductory Mechanics1Students must register for one Lab section below.076Environmental Economics176Environmental Economics (1)Environmental Economics (2)ASTR016Modern AstrophysicsLab meets every other week. Cohen, David8:00pm-11:00pmScience Center 187Science Center 113Proced-Experim Physics- Lab12:30pm-3:00pmMTWTHScience Center L438:00am-10:00amElect'l Circuit Analys II- LabPiovoso, Michael Hicks 312AElect'l Circuit Analys I- LabInt Span for Adv Begin- DrillVargas, PatriciaIntensive Adv Spanish- Drill138AClinical: The Role of ContextReimer, MicheleFYS: The Meaning of Life (W)Baumann, PeterTopics in Epistemology (1)HDouble-graded seminar. BOTH SECTIONS required. Eligible for COGS programTopics in Epistemology (2)Writing Pedagogy(W)GCross-listed with EDUC 001C. By permission only; NOT in pre-enrollment.Gladstein, JillWriting Pedagogy (W)3Cross-listed with ENGL 001C. NOT in pre-enrollment.2Cross-listed with ENGL001C. NOT in pre-enrollment.041PPE Dance: Ballet IRainey, MeredithDance Technique: Ballet IElem Single Variable Calculus Davis, Diana001PFYS: Ltn Amer through Lens (W) Armus, DiegoSAmer Dirty Wars/US Involv (W)"Eligible for LALS or PEAC program. Bhanot, Syon155Behavioral/Exper Econ (1)Behavioral EconomicsBehavioral/Exper Econ(2)Machado, Jose-LuisThe Western Tradition046Performance-Wind Ensemble Hauze, AndrewPerformance-Orchestra040CElements of Musicianship IIICo-req with MUSI 13. 1:15pm-2:15pmLang Music Building 407040AElements of Musicianship ICo-req with MUSI 11. Pre-register for entire 3 hr block. Assignment to 1 hr sect within the 3 hrs will be determined by the Prof after individual assessment. 1:15pm-5:15pmIntro to Mandarin6Students must enroll in drill section A, B or C below. Kang, Wol A Kohlberg 302Chinese for Adv Beginners I;Eligible for PEAC program. See Dept Admin Asst to register. Atshan, Sa'edIntro:Peace & Conflict StudiesDir RdgIsraeli-Palestinian ConflictXEligible for ISLM, PEAC or POLS program; Must contact Instructor/Admin Asst to register.Lang Perf Arts Ctr 101Structure of Wamesa Gasser, EmilyPearson Hall 115 Field Methods005BThe Art of the American Musica*Cross-listed with MUSI 005D and ENGL 095A. Glover, Eric005DThe Art of the American Musicl*Cross-listed with THEA 005B and ENGL 095A.095AECross-listed with THEA 005B and MUSI 005D. Eligible for BLST program. Fontes, LilaAlgorithms- Lab Algorithms`Students must register for one lab section A or B below. Eligible for Digital Humanities (DGHU).Swimming for Intermedi-Fall IIChwastyk, HarleighWare Pool POOL019AVolleyball- Fall I Tarble GYM083V V: VolleyballPolitical Theory: Modern (2)Berger, BenjaminPolitical Theory: Modern (1)112ElectrodynamicsCrouch, Catherine083Advanced Laboratory III (W):PHYS 083 + ENGR 072 = one W. Also meets in rooms L42 & L43Science Center L48Science Center L33082Advanced Laboratory II (W)6Phys 081 + 082 = one W. Also meets in rooms L33 & L48.Science Center L42Advanced Laboratory I139AIntroductory BiophysicsJPNSNarratives/Disaster & Rebldg?Cross-listed with LITR 035J. Eligible for ASIA or ENVS program.Gardner, William035JCross-listed with JPNS 035.Second-Year JapaneseIStudents must enroll in drill section A below. Eligible for ASIA program.051BCardio Tennis-Fall IILoomis, Jeremy 7:00pm-8:15pm037ATable Tennis-Fall IIntro to Computer Science- LabWicentowski, RichardScience Center 240Senior ComprehensivehStudents must register for one Lab section A-D below. Labs first come first served. Eligible for (DGHU). Wagner, Eric081VV: Soccer (Men)042BBowling- Fall II>Class meets off-campus. 1 PE unit- Fall II; 10/23-12/12, 2017.Off Campus OFFCAMFourth-Year Japanese Jo, YoshikoSecond-Year Japanese-DrillJapanese Calligraphy180CSr Hnrs Thesis in PlaywritingMagruder, James012ALogicaEligible for COGS program. Strong Math/Comp Sci bckgrd or non-freshmen with no prior PHIL course. Baker, Alan012B[Eligible for COGS program. Current intending PHIL mjrs/mnors and those w/prior PHILcourses.070HAdv Fiction: Writers WorkshopPastan, Rachel012Third-Year Japanese Eligible for ASIA program. Suda, AtsukoJapanese Conversation Kohlberg 114Intro to Japanese- DrillWiedenbeck, Bryce`Students must register for one lab section C or D below. Eligible for Digital Humanities (DGHU). 4:00pm-5:30pm 2:15pm-3:45pmClimate DisruptionKCross-listed with SOCI 055C or PEAC 055. Eligible for ENVS or PEAC program. Smithey, Lee077SpecTop:Gun Viol PreventionLCross-listed with ENVS 066 and SOCI 055C. Eligible for ENVS or PEAC program.180BSr Honors Thesis in Directing Stevens, K.Perform Theory & Practice (W) 1:00pm-3:55pm Kohlberg 201Directing I-Directors Lab 2:15pm-6:15pmMatchbox KUSTUDIOGSSTGender, Race and ScienceEligible for GSST program.Costa, ShelleyGender, Race and Science (W)Intensive French- Sec ACherel, BenjaminFrench Conversation: Specl Tpc 2:40pm-4:00pmIntensive French- Sec BFrost, GregoryPlant Molecular Genetics (1)Kaplinsky, NicholasScience Center 110Plant Molecular Genetics (2)033Financial AccountingHargadon, JosephSenior Research Topics in MusiMilewski, Barbara004AOperaChopinInt'lPol:War,Peac,Security (2)Tierney, Dominic6:00pm-10:00pmInt'lPol:War,Peac,Security (1)IDouble-graded seminar. BOTH SECTIONS required. Eligible for P< EAC program.International PoliticsSr. Comprehensive RequirementMobile Robotics- LabMcGill, StephenMobile RoboticskStudents must register for lab section A or B below. Cross-listed with ENGR 028. Eligible for COGS program. 2:00pm-4:30pmkStudents must register for lab section A or B below. Cross-listed with CPSC 082. Eligible for COGS program.The New Negro vs. Jim Crow Foy, AnthonyRiley, KathrynFdns of Chemical Principles<Student must register for one CHEM 10 lab section A-G below.Sakomura, Tomoko082VV: Soccer (Women)Anckaitis, ToddDeVarney, Renee029BCore Ball Training- Fall IISenior CompanySwanson, Laila002CSpec Proj: ActingNBy individual arrangement with Instructor. Not available for web registration.014CSpec Proj: Costume Design004CCostume DesignLang Perf Arts Ctr 16al-Jamil, TariqISLM;See Dept Admin Asst to register. Eligible for ISLM program.Gend/Sexuality/Body in Islam(Eligible for ISLM, GSST or MDST program.Cine y literatura:adapt filmicMartinez, Luciano008Span Conversa/Composition (W) Kohlberg 330Tpcs in Supramolecular ChemistYatsunyk, LiliyaScience Center 161HNFdns Chem Priniciples: HonorsEStudent must register for one CHEM 010 lab section section A-G above.136Molecular Ecology/Evolution(1)Formica, VincentMolecular Ecology/Evolution(2)Introduction to EconometricsTodd Bronchetti, ErinMidkiff, Matthew12:30pm-1:20pm13 Senior Thesis7See Dept Admin Asst to register. Cannot be taken CR/NC.Grodner, DanielCOGSIntro to Cognitive Science034Psychology of LanguageCross-listed with PSYC 034.6Cross-listed with LING 034. Eligible for COGS program.Data Structures and Algorithms5Students must register for one Lab section A-D below.Danner, AndrewData Structures/Algorithms-LabMauskop, David Fan Culture Rehak, RobertIntro-Film & Media Studies'Eligible for Digital Humanities (DGHU).Journalism Workshop (W)Mezzacappa, DaleDeNizio, Christie9:00am-11:20amDrawing II: Life Drawing Beardsley 201Soc Entrepre for Social Chng@See Instructor for specific schedule. Eligible for PEAC program.Intensive Intermediate SpanishNavas Masip, JosepIntensive First Yr SpanishLe Monde francoph contem (W)Gueydan-Turek, AlexandraGuerre dans litt fran%aise015SPCalculus- STEM Scholars Prog Gomez, Ralph 3:10pm-4:25pmReligion Cafe:Senior SymposiumCLST036Classical Mythology (W)Lefkowitz, JeremyGreek-Intensive 1st YrMF 9:00am-9:45amAdvanced Studies: Painting Grider, LoganFYS: Drawing to Find Out8:30am-11:00am Painting IMethods Song, EricChristopher Marlowe: Work, Lif009EFYS:Narcissus/Hist of Refl (W)Krannebitter, Kathleen048BWalk, Jog, Run- Fall IIANTH002DFYS:Culture & Gender (T)Nadkarni, Maya042DPolitical Anthropology (T)Thermofluid Mechan- Lab Moser, AllanReal Analysis I-prob sessionProblem session for MATH 063.Mavinga, Nsoki 3:30pm-4:30pmReal Analysis I (W)TStudents must register for one prob session X or Y below. Eligible for COGS program. 2:15pm-3:15pmInten First Yr Spanish- DrillChindemi Vila, JuliaInten Intermed Spanish- Drill048KThe Mafia & the State Johnson, Nina048IRace and Place043ECulture,Health, Illness (T)Schuetze, ChristineFdns: Culture, Power, MeaningInten Intermed German- DrillSchnader, ChristopherInten Elem German- DrillGerman Conversation 4:15pm-5:30pmARABTpcs in Mdrn Arabic LiteratureEligible for ISLM program.Al-Masri, KhaledAdvanced Arabic IBaugh, AlexanderAnimal Behavior- Lab Martin 204Animal BehaviorIntroduction to TheaterSaunders, MatthewActing I Torra, Alex 1:15pm-3:15pmOpen to First Year students.Production Ensemble I8ALSO MEETS SUNDAYS NOON-6PM IN MATCHBOX KUHARSKI STUDIO.7:30pm-10:30pm4:15pm-10:15pmProduction Ensemble II001DIntro:Knwldge and the Wrld (W)Thomason, KristaMoral Philosophy6Eligible for PEAC program if arranged with Instructor.052 BioethicsFYS: Golden Age of Piracy180DSr Honors Thesis in DesignAtkinson, ElizabethIntensive Elem Mod Stan ArabicSmith, BenjaminIntermed Mod Standard Arabic I.Students must enroll in drill section A below.Kosmalski, LandryComputer Networks- Lab Webb, KevinComputer Networks8Students must register for one Lab section A or B below.18Norris, Catherine105Rsch Pract: Social NeurosciencStereotypes, Prejudice,Discrim021DAnthro of Art & AestheticsFraga, Christopher031CHispanics, Mestizos, LatinxsSenior Honors Thesis- FallAmerican Sign Language IDrolsbaugh, Melanie080Los hijos de la MalincheRAD: Self-Defense-Mens1 PE unit. Fall II. Oct 27, 29.Theveny, Joseph 8:30am-6:30pmUMatchbox TBLCOM12:30pm-6:30pmOral Production: L'AtelierMust be taken with FREN 001.Courgey, ArnaudMust be taken with FREN 003.Intensive 1st Yr French- Sec AIntensive 1st Yr French- Sec B018Reading the Russian MediaYordanova, TsvetelinaIntermed Intens Russian- DrillIntensive Russian- DrillPerformance: Garnet Singers.Students must also be registered for MUSI 043.Gregorio, Joseph8:30pm-10:00pmPerformance-Chorus 7:00pm-8:30pmMcConville, KellyStatistical Methods II014FFYS: Intro to Education (W)Nelson, Joseph061Gender and Education (W)Parasite Ecology (2)Nichols, Elizabeth Martin 219JParasite Ecology (1)009AFYS: Literature and Law (W)Patnaik, SanginaPerformance-Jazz Ensemble Neu, CharlesFYS:Trans to College Wrtg (W)Newmann Holmes, Alba Dobbs, Erica010LFYS: The Politics of Protest054SContemporary Cuba6Cross-listed with Span 054. Eligible for LALS program.Diaz Diaz, DesireeFYS: Intro Latinx Lit/Cult (W)2Cross-listed LITR 015S. Eligible for LALS program.0547Cross-listed with LITR 054S. Eligible for LALS program.015S6Cross-listed with SPAN 015. Eligible for LALS program.Int Spanish for Adv BeginnersFYS: Carnvl Cultu Mdrn Eur (W)(Cross-listed with MUSI 002 and DANC 002. Sabee, OliviaDance Lab I: Making Dance)Cross-listed with DANC 002 and THEA 011A.)Cross-listed with MUSI 002 and THEA 011A. Liu, RoseannIntroduction to Education (W) Cohen, EliIntro a la litera espa%%ola (W)Culturas de Espa%%a (W)Software Engineering- LabPalmer, ZacharySoftware EngineeringIndustrial Organization Remer, Marc056ModelingBarranca, VictorPolitics of Sub-Saharan Africa Paddon, Emily062Politi/Practice of HumanitariaCurriculum & Methods Sem (2)Bradley, JenniferCurriculum & Methods Sem (1)040BSocioling:LangCulture&SocietyCross-listed with LING 025. Thomas, JamieIntro to Linguistics (W)Cross-listed with SOAN 040B.Poverty/Precarious Lives Scrn#FMST 001 or equivalent recommended. Bryant, SaraDigit Systs & Comp Engr FundimnFall I; 9/4-10/13, 2017. Digital Humanities (DGHU). Students must register for one lab section A1 or A2 below.Ganapati, VidyaDsgn of Digi & Embed SystsfFall II; 10/23-12/8, 2017. Students must register for one lab section B1or B3 below. Eligible for DGHU11 Moyer, ErikaPlato's Socratic DialoguesEvans, MarilynFYS: Ancient Slavery(W)Discrete Mathematics (W)Drellich, ElizabethChen, LuStatistical Methods IEligible for COGS program.Blasina, JamesRdg&Mkng Music:Bscs of NotatioSwimming for Begin- Fall I01 PE unit- Fall I; 9/04-10/13, 2017. Women only. Colby, Karin018BSwimming for Fitness- Fall IISenior ConferenceGiansiracusa, NoahCognitive Neuroscience Payne, LisaRsch Design/Analysis (W)JCredit range .5-1. See Dept Admin Asst to register. Cannot be taken CR/NC. Evans, RodneyColonialism/Nationalism/Mid E Shokr, Ahmad001VFYS:Activists Chng Mdl East(W)Intensive Advanced SpanishColon Rodriguez, Larisa089BMatl's that Matter: Anthropoce6Cross-lis<ted with ENVS 016. Eligible for ENVS program. Price, Katie8Cross-listed with ENGLS 089B. Eligible for ENVS program.Dance Technique:Afr Dance IPettaway, Saleana053PPE Dance: African II 7:30pm-9:00pmDance Technique: African II043PPE Dance: African IInorganic ChemistryWashington, JonathanPhonetics & Phonology1953rd Yr ChineseXu, Peng091CHSpcl Tpcs: Martial Arts Tradit6Cross-listed with CHIN 091. Eligible for ASIA program.Spcl Tpcs:Martial Arts Traditi8Cross-listed with LITR 091CH. Eligible for ASIA program.General Physics I Light, AdamAnalytical Dynamics121Neural Systems Behavior (2)Ballard, ShannonNeural Systems Behavior (1) Gagne, Martin003BAdv Weight Training-McPherson, ChristopherWellness seminar- Fall IIHolland, AliceMatchbox LOUNGE051Dance Technique: Ballet IIMoss-Thorne, ChandraDance Technique- Ballet III11:30am-1:00pm061PPE Dance: Ballet III051PPE Dance: Ballet IIDance Technique: Pnt and Partn052PPE Dance: Pointe & PartneringSiev, Jedidiah038Clinical PsychologyCognitive Behavior Therapy060CChina,Brazil, Gbl Food EnvironDCross listed with ENVS 032. Eligible for ASIA, ENVS or LALS program.Oliveira, GustavoFCross listed with SOAN 060C. Eligible for ASIA, ENVS, or LALS program.Western Europe 1945-1975 Brown, MeganHistory of the French RevolutiPolitical PsychologyBlanchar, JohnResearch Design & Analysis (W)010ARAD: Self-Defense - Womens1 PE unit. Fall I. Sep 15, 16. Ray, MichelleFieldhouse WRESLBiological Chemistry II Fera, DanielaSecond-Year MandarinNStudents must enroll in drill section A or B below. Eligible for ASIA program. Wang, JiajiaPracticum-Bridge:Swat&Commty 7:45pm-9:00pmArabic Conversation Hanna, DimaInt Elem Mod Stan Arabic-DrillInter Mod Stan Arabic I-Drill Klecha, PeteraLing 100 and Ling 195 meet together. Credit range 1-2 credit(s). See Dept Admin Asst to register. Semantics6Cross-listed with Ling 040. Eligible for COGS program. Semantics (W)6Cross-listed with PHIL 040; Eligible for COGS program. Wang, MinSecond-Year Mandarin-Drill3rd Yr Chinese Conversation;Eligible for ASIA program. Contact Prof regarding day/time. ProbabilityBurstein, DavidSay what? Syntactic variationIrwin, Patricia02WIntroduction to JapaneseImamura, AkikoSwimming for Begin- Fall IIAllison, Hannah009B Modern China Altan, Selda Roddy, EricIntensive Intermediate GermanMeirosu, MadalinaInt:Gender & Sexuality StudiesYoga in History,Philos & PractFerrario, Alberta013AIndian Religion & Philosophy Swahili INdeto, ElizabethMusic Cultures of the WorldCross-listed with SOAN 020D.020DCross-listed with MUSI 005A009MFYS: Wzrd of Oz in Context(W)McLaughlin, Donald051MMedicine, Disability & NarratiIntensive Russian Stavis, JesseMdrn Architecture in Japan Genadt, ArielIntermediate Intensive Russian Vergara, Jose013RThe Russian Novel- 19c. (W)Cross-listed with RUSS 013.The Russian Novel-19c (W)Cross-listed with LITR 013R.Russian Novel-AttachmentMera Ford, NatalieSeveral Variable CalculusGoldwyn, Joshua010MFYS: The Future of WorkThakkar, JonathanIntro to Mdrn Political ThghtEcology Kim, Tania Ecology- Lab Martin 115Basic Several Vari Calculus Morris, QuinnFurtherTpcs:Single VarCalculusMathieson, Sara016ASwimming for Intermedi- Fall I Davy, SamuelSenior Thesis Wkshp ISTAFF Beardsley 309 Beardsley 308DOMXDomestic Exchange Course069CSAG: Women's Soccer'Not in pre-enrollment. Contact SAG Rep.Honors Thesis PreparationfSee Dept Admin Asst to register. Prep in Acting, Directing, Playwrtg, Design, Dramaturgy, Performance.Honors Thesis ProductionfSee Dept Admin Asst to register. Prod in Acting, Directing, Playwrtg, Design, Dramaturgy, Performance.Writing TutorialDCross-listed with CHIN 055 or LITR 055CH. Eligible for ASIA program.034ASpec Proj: Intrmd Set DesignNBy individual arrangement with instructor. Not available for web registration.034DSpec Proj: Intrmd Media DsgnIntrmd Spec Proj: ActingPractice Teaching (1)TeachingPractice Teaching (2) Teaching2Special Project in Playwriting001SPBiology - Scholars ProgramHStudents must register for BIOL 001 and one lab section A, C or E above.068C SAG: Aerobics102ACapstone in Acting- HonorsLang Perf Arts Ctr 309080VV: Field Hockey075CSCS: Ultimate Frisbee (Women).Not in pre-enrollment. Contact Club Sport Rep.074CSCS: Ultimate Frisbee (Men)073CSCS: Rugby (Women)072CSCS: Rugby (Men)071CS CS: Fencing066C SAG: Tango065CSAG: Swing Dance063CSAG: Folk Dance062C SAG: Capoeira061C SAG: AikidoSAG: Quidditch067CSAG: Men's SoccerTutorial014ESpec Proj: Sound DesignSenior Research ProjectPerformance-Indiv Instruc8Students MUST register with Dept within first two weeks.OCSTOff Campus StudyDance Technique-Kathak"Eligible for ASIA or ISLM program.Japanese Thesis (W)Senior Honors Thesis (W)046PPE Dance: Kathak Spc Tpcs:MDSTSGMBiology Study Group Meetings DiscussionWTH . 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