


我在伯克利的早期经验与大学生我的担忧不仅关注专业学术研究,还在我开始看到宗教的关键作用的比较研究在文科的上下文。什么之前仅仅是理论反思的挑战比较和文化相对主义的“人文科学”成为顽固混凝土当我意识到的实际任务设计和教学课程,准确地反映了文化和宗教多样性和我所看到的和有经验的模式在人类笃信一样普遍。作为比较,还总是什么,最喜欢利科的象征,“产生思想。”The best use of comparative themes -- love, death, evil, pilgrimage, the body -- does not naively presuppose universal experiences or univocal typologies across cultures or religions, but generates sometimes surprising new questions, incongruities, juxtapositions that, on occasion, in a seminar or classroom conversation, generate fresh insights, and sometimes, strange and unexpected congruities. Both differences and similarities are critical in comparative studies, and the cross-cultural study of religion is potentially suited to be a powerful witness to both realities.


我的教学方法比较宗教不是基于一组答案,而是一系列的问题。如何与关键的同情理解,找到一种方法之一,另一个人的经历吗?(有问题的,但不可避免的自然的任务总是在我的脑海中)如何我们都尊重差异,甚至不能通约的光谱,而不是放弃社会和意识形态的概念模式,甚至是一种常见的东西“人类?”如何do we manage a genuine turn to multiculturalism in our curriculum without falling prey to what Theodor Adorno has called "bourgeois relativism," where anything is ultimately equal to anything else and critical, moral, and political judgment is paralyzed. This question of balance is one of the most critical and most vexing of our comparative enterprise. And moreover, I belief that the study of diverse religious traditions offers both scholar and student vivid access to these important questions.



最后,从学者的角度来看,宗教研究要求仔细培养可称之为“双重身份”。The scholar of comparative religion is called to constantly hold together the poles of specialization (i.e. language and area studies) as well as general cross-cultural comparative study. Not only must we know our languages well enough to do primary research, and in some cases read original texts with our students, but we must also have an in-depth knowledge of at least one or two other religious traditions, as well as a grasp of the general methodological issues in cross-cultural studies. It is an ambitious but I believe important task in a time when the colleges and universities are pressed to confront manifold issues of cultural and religious diversity.


史蒂文·霍普金斯大学副教授 史蒂文·p·霍普金斯斯沃斯莫尔学院的宗教教授。最佳线上娱乐他的作者珠宝的点缀:Vedantadesika因为耶和华神的诗歌(牛津大学出版社,2007年)唱神的身体:赞美诗的Vedantadesika南印度的传统(牛津大学出版社,2002年)。