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New student move-in day

Offer a SwatWorks Micro-Internship

SwatWorks micro-internships are short-term, paid, professional assignments that are similar to those given to new hires or interns. These projects enable students to demonstrate skills, explore career paths, and build their networks while being mentored by Swarthmore alumni and parents. Micro-internships must be entirely remote and students will be compensated for their time through grants offered by Career Services.注册你SwatWorks项目——或者浏览样本projects for inspiration.

Hire a Swattie

Career Services at Swarthmore College offers employers access to highly motivated students to fill internship and job openings. We welcome the opportunity to assist you in connecting with students.Find out how to post jobs or internships.

Be an Extern Mentor

Parents and families can host a student during the annual Extern Week in January. Workplace mentors welcome students into their places of work to learn more about their careers. Families can also volunteer to be homestay mentors, inviting students to stay in their homes during their externship. Since the students are not compensated, homestays are an essential aspect of the program.Learn more about the Extern Program.

Due to the 2021 January Term and concern for the health and safety of the Swarthmore community, Extern Week 2021 was canceled.

Parents Council

Parents Council supports Swarthmore's mission to prepare students for full, balanced lives as individuals and as socially responsible citizens through rigorous intellectual study supplemented by athletic, co-curricular, and extracurricular activities.Join Parents Council.
