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Watch: Patricia Park '03 Novel Offers New Spin on 'Jane Eyre'

MSNBC:The Book Report

Patricia Park ‘03recently appeared on MSNBC'sThe Book Reportto discussRe Jane: A Novel,her contemporary re-telling of Charlotte Bronte’sJane Eyrefeaturing a half-Korean, half-American orphan from Flushing, Queens. When asked how autobiographical the book is, Park jokes, "So I basically took my old diaries, crossed out my name, and put Jane's in."

Park also apeared on WNYC'sThe Brian Lehrer Show.“我猜这是很大胆的,”她告诉主持人,"to take on a classic and put your own spin on it, but for me this book really spoke to me.” She relays the story of her mother calling her an orphan whenever she misbehaved as a child. “It meant you were acting in a disgraceful way that shamed your family,” she explains. “Jane Eyre as well is constantly thrown these epithets, ‘wicked,’ ‘mischevious,’ ‘friendless,’ and I realized that the Victorian construct of the orphan and the Korean post-war one had many similarities. So mine kind of drew that link and I imbued my own experiences to this novel.”Listen to the full interview.

In the novel, Jane Re enters the world of academics, which Park says is partly inspired by her own experience of coming from Queens and attending Swarthmore College, where she “entered a world that felt like everyone was speaking a foreign language.” She adds: “I didn’t speakacademicese.I don’t even know that’s what you call it, but I had to learn quick!”

Park's work has also received positive reviews at theLos Angeles Times,New York Post,Miami Herald,andFlavorwire,among others.

Park graduated from Swarthmore College in 2003 with an Honors English literature major and psychology minor. She completed her M.F.A. at Boston University. In 2009, Park was awarded a Fulbright, which she used to travel to Korea to do research for her novel.

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