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Watch: Christine Kim '17 Shares Advice for Successful Time Management

MTVU:Intern Confidential

Christine Kim '17, a political science major from Mt. Laurel, N.J., appeared on MTVU'sIntern Confidentialto share her advice on time management. She discusses the importance of being organized, taking initiative, and multitasking.

Kim's work on Wall Streetwith the student groupRedefine Her Street(RHS) is featured in the current issue of the SwarthmoreBulletin.After landing an internship at Bank of America Merrill Lynch, Kim became aware of the challenges facing women with liberal arts backgrounds who want to break into Wall Street.

“Not being from a target school for the big banks, it was fairly unheard of for someone like me to get [the internship], and I had seen other students face the struggle, too,” explains Kim, who now chairs Swarthmore's chapter of RHS. She is also herself benefiting from the mentorship of Wall Street execs on the national board.

“唐娜·麦考密克的84年,在美国银行(Bank of America)首席运营官稳定ill Lynch] is my first woman mentor in this field, and it has meant so much to me on both a personal and professional level to learn from her. RHS really opened my eyes to the fact that there just aren't enough women in this industry."Read the full article.

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