

新彼得van de天文台圆顶上,学院获得leed认证科学中心本月安装时。的设施,学生将能够追求自己的研究项目,现在只是等待它的到来24”望远镜。“没有多少望远镜的大小对光谱作为我们将有能力,尤其是在小型文理学院,“天文学的副教授说大卫•科恩。”埃里克·詹森(天文学副教授),我希望有学生使用摄谱仪不仅对研究项目,但也作为我们部门的先进实验室计划的一部分物理专业。”Another main goal is for the Observatory to serve the broader off-campus community of astronomers. "In a couple years, students will be working with astronomers from around the country," Cohen says. The dome was made possible by a gift from an anonymous alumna, who named the Observatory for the beloved professor of astronomy and musician who served as director of the College Orchestra. The College also received support for the facility from the National Science Foundation.音乐熊是开车(Chris Conaway ' 02,吉他;丹Consiglio ' 03,键盘;科里马克的02、鼓;Erik Osheim ' 03、低音)

