
我的swat故事:fouad dakwar '22

Fouad Dakwar'22在阳台上扶手





"I wrote the opera because I was moved by their story. During WWI, most U.S. men were sent to combat and women were given access to more jobs than ever, like painting glow-in-the-dark watch dials with radium. The men who did this job had been given full protective gear, unlike the women that took their place. They were instead directed to lick their brushes to get a finer tip. As a result, they started brutally dying off one by one from radiation poisoning. When they tried to take their case to court, the company paid scientists to publish fake studies downplaying the dangers of radium. They knew they could drag on the trial until all of the remaining survivors died off too. It reminded me of how we perpetuate "fake news", deny climate change, and gaslight people who are wronged by corporations all while denying marginalized people any justice in the so-called 'criminal-justice system.



