

t·亚历山大Aleinikoff 74



作为一个隐喻,石头的仪式在很多方向。它描绘了提供的安全性斯沃斯莫尔(即使它要求我们);最佳线上娱乐它反映了感觉Swarthmoreans属于一个秘密社会最佳线上娱乐的;它可以代表一种想法,就是“回家”当一个人拥有一定的知识。我相信这些东西,但这是物理的主题,我想追求。stoneness。我一直认为,斯沃斯莫尔母校始于一个过于严厉的短语:“坚定的和灰最佳线上娱乐色你standst之前我们。”But I must concede that the words capture something deep about the College. The institution can appear forbidding, stern, judgmental.

句话说雕刻在墙上的石头帕里什大厅(位于靠近McCabe库)传达类似的印象:“用你的自由。”But is not freedom exactly for not using well-for experimenting, for trying and failing, for getting outside oneself, for perceiving beyond knowledge? "Use well they freedom" raps our knuckles, calls us to our senses.

然而,然而。那就是消息从斯沃斯莫尔,大多数仍然和我在一起。最佳线上娱乐阅读在一个不同的光,它提醒我们生命的呼吸急促不符合生活的完满。实际上,它甚至没有警告不计后果的放弃,如果要求。它所做的需求是,我们继续问自己的困难的问题,斯沃斯莫尔斯沃斯莫尔的教育由和教育准备了我们。最佳线上娱乐Self-reflection-without self-absorption-is,在我看来,斯沃斯莫尔的核心。最佳线上娱乐


我试图追求的价值观,斯沃斯莫尔values-hard工作,公共服务,求知欲,诚最佳线上娱乐信我的工作作为一个法学教授和联邦政府官员。在一个特定的方式,斯沃斯莫尔已经直接影响了我的学术生涯。最佳线上娱乐在美国思想史研讨会,由罗伯特·班尼斯特教授教我们读一篇文章由伦道夫·伯恩的题为“美国跨国。”Bourne was a brilliant, radical social critic who decried the support that the intelligentsia lent to American war fever during World War I. Bourne also fought against those who viewed immigration as a threat to "American" values. Bourne argued that America's future would be multicultural, with each new immigrant group contributing vibrant new threads to a national fabric forever in the process of being woven. Bourne's essay speaks to modern readers with the same freshness and urgency with which it confronted readers several generations ago. And so, I found myself rereading Bourne as I worked on a book that examines constitutional-law issues relating to Indian tribes, the treatment of immigrants, and the status of U.S. territories. My book, Semblances of Sovereignty (published in 2002), ends by quoting the Bourne essay that I first read more than 30 years ago at Swarthmore.


斯沃斯莫尔的隐性影响的自然美景是被另一个石头在斯沃斯莫尔,我记得从我的天。最佳线上娱乐上方的圆形剧场,刻有一行从华兹华斯的诗:“自然没有背叛的心喜欢她。”Here is a whole different side of Swarthmore.

我一直喜欢这首诗,这些话来自“线由上面几英里的丁登寺。”In it, Wordsworth recalls scenes from his youth when he "bounded o'er the mountains, by the sides / Of the deep rivers." He writes, however, from the perspective of age-aware that his memories of nature have sustained him through more difficult times and that his life is closer to its end than its beginning. In his more mature mind's eye, the "groves and copses" take on a more subtle and sublime form. Nature is now "the anchor of my purest thoughts" and the "soul / Of all my moral being."

