Lang Center
for Civic & Social Responsibility

Newman Civic Fellowship

The Newman Civic Fellowship is a one-year experience that provides students with training and resources that nurture their assets and passions to help them develop strategies for social change. Through the fellowship,Campus Compactprovides in-person and virtual learning opportunities focused on the skills fellows need to serve as effective agents of change in addressing public problems and building equitable communities.

Newman Civic Fellowship Eligibility Criteria

The Newman Civic Fellowship is intended to honor the leadership legacy of Campus Compact founder Frank Newman by recognizing community-committed students who:

  • Engage in collaborative action with others from campus or from surrounding communities in order to create long-term social change;
  • Take action in addressing issues of inequality and political polarization; and
  • Demonstrate the motivation and potential for effective long-term civic engagement.

In addition to these core characteristics, Newman Civic Fellow nominees must also meet the following eligibility criteria:

  • Student must be enrolled at Swarthmore College during spring 2022, and enrolled for the duration of the 2022-2023 academic year (juniors, sophomores, or first years).
  • Nominees must commit to providing a short reflection piece (video, article, or letter format) to Campus Compact during their fellowship year.
  • Preference is given to students from backgrounds traditionally underrepresented in higher education.


Students can be nominated each year. Interested in nominating yourself or someone else?Complete the nomination form byJanuary 14, 2022.

Past Newman Civic Fellows from Swarthmore College

2020: Pearl Zhang '22

2019:Hussain Zaidi '22

2018:Brandon Ekweonu ‘20

2017:Meghan Kelly ’18

2016:Tyler Huntington ‘18

2015:Amy DiPierro ‘15

2014:Nimesh Ghimire ’15

2013:Patrick Ammerman ’14

Newman Civic Fellow Contact

Jennifer Magee

Jennifer Magee

Senior Associate Director, Lang Center for Civic and Social Responsibility
Lang Center for Civic and Social Responsibility
Lang Center 204