TheAlternative Hostoption is an advanced feature available toLicensedaccount users. It allows you to schedule meetings and have anotherLicenseduser with a Swarthmore ID host that session as well.

To enable anAlternative Hostfollow these steps:

  1. Schedule a Zoom Meetingand the click on the "Show" button next to Options

  2. Once selected, input the user email(s) separated by a comma (see below). Please note, this user must be aLicensed account userand have a Swarthmore login ID.

  3. After the alternative host email addresses have been added, remember to hit the Save button at the bottom. TheAlternative Hostcan now host your Zoom meeting by using the Join URL after logging in.

Note: The firstAlternative Hostto join before the meeting scheduler will be granted host controls. The scheduler can reclaim host controls by going to Participants and selected Reclaim Host.

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