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Donor Recognition Societies

Present Valerie Smith speaks to a group of donors

Asterisk Society

Asterisk Society Logo

The Asterisk Society is Swarthmore's philanthropic participation society, which recognizes and thanks loyal alumni who make a gift of any size to support Swarthmore students year in and year out. Members of the Asterisk Society include donors for the past three consecutive years or more, young alumni who have given each year since graduation, and new alumni who gave to their senior class gift last year.

The 1864 Society

1864 Society Logo

The 1864 Society honors the year of Swarthmore’s founding and celebrates those who make leadership gifts of $1,864 or more.

Rose Garden Associates

Rose Garden Associates Logo

The Rose Garden Associates celebrates young alumni who make a leadership gift to the College. Young alumni are invited to join with a gift of $100 (1–4 years since graduation), $500 (5–9 years since graduation), or $1,000 (10–14 years since graduation).

The James A. Michener Legacy Circle

The James A. Michener Legacy Circle logo

The James A. Michener Legacy Circlehonors those who have helped build the future of the College through a qualifying gift to an endowed fund or by including Swarthmore in their estate plans, such as a gift by will, trust, or life income gift.

Sustainers Circle

Sustainers Circle logo

支撑圈承认和荣誉who are currently making a monthly gift supporting Swarthmore students.Monthly giftsare easy, sustainable, and budget-friendly.
