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An increasing number of medical and public health professionalsare urging individuals to upgrade from using cloth masks alone, citing the high transmission rates associated with the omicron variant. We strongly encourage everyone to use high-quality, well-fitting, three-layered disposable surgical masks, worn so the edges fit tightly enough to reduce any openings around the nose and mouth.

Three-layered surgical masks are available at the entrances to College buildings. Faculty and staff can also request an order of three-layered surgical masks for departmental use byfilling out this form.

Anyone may also voluntarily choose to wear an N95, KN95, or KN94 mask. Those who elect to use one of these masks should follow OSHA voluntary use guidelines outlined in thesection below.

Masking Requirements for Students, Faculty, and Staff|Matchbox Fitness Center|Public Speaking|Voluntary Use of N95, KN95, KN94|Visitors and Vendors

Masking Requirements for Students, Faculty, and Staff

All individuals are required to wear masks while inside campus buildings, with the following exceptions:

  • You are a residential student (i.e., you live in campus housing) and are inside your own room. Note that all individuals are required to wear masks in common areas inside residence halls.
  • You are alone inside an office space. (You are not required to shut your office door.)
  • You are actively eating and/or drinking.
  • You are performing as part of your classwork (e.g., vocal performers, musicians, actors, etc.).
  • You are actively participating in a College-sponsored varsity or club athletic program (i.e., you are actively playing/engaging in the activity, as opposed to being on the bench).

Matchbox Fitness Center

Effective January 2022 and until further notice, all current students, faculty, and staff members are permitted to use the Matchbox, but they must remain masked at all times, even while exercising. We apologize for any inconvenience and we appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

Public Speaking

When fully vaccinated students, faculty, or staff members are speaking to a group of people indoors (e.g., during a lecture or classroom setting, staff meetings, etc.), they may remove their masks provided that:

  • The audience members are masked, per College policy
  • The speaker is up to date on their COVID-19 vaccinations, including by having received a booster shot.
  • The speaker is able to maintain at least three feet of physical distance from the audience members.
  • The speaker puts their mask back on when finished speaking

At this time, masks are not required outdoors unless specifically noted. For instance, masks may be required outdoors during special events.

Voluntary Use of N95, KN95, and KN94 Masks

Anyone may voluntarily choose to wear an N95, KN95, or KN94 mask. Those who elects to use one of these masks should follow OSHA voluntary use guidelines:

  • Heed all instructions provided by the manufacturer on use, maintenance, cleaning and care, and warnings regarding masks use and limitations.
  • Choose a mask that is certified to protect against the element of concern.
  • Do not wear your mask into atmospheres containing contaminants for which your mask is not designed to protect against. For example, a respirator designed to filter dust particles will not protect you against gasses, vapors, or very small solid particles of fumes or smoke.
  • Keep track of your mask, and do not share it with others.

If your job responsibilities require the use of an N95 mask, you must contact Environmental Health and Safety Officer Colleen Battista atcbattis1@swarthmore.eduto ensure adherence to OSHA task evaluation, medical clearance, training, and fit testing requirements.

Masking Requirements for Campus Visitors and Vendors

The above masking requirements also apply to campus visitors and vendors. Meetings with vendors or other non-College visitors should happen virtually whenever possible. Please see thevisitor and vendor policyfor more information.
