

尼娜·约翰逊在Last Collection上讲话

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晚上好,毕业生们!晚上好,毕业生的家人、朋友和亲人们。我向你们所有人致敬。我向你们所有人致敬。你做了一件了不起的事,了不起的事。我希望你能抽出时间来思考你已经取得的成就,因为这不是一个小成就。享受你的胜利,享受你开始做一件事并且做到了的这一刻。请稍等,我有个请求。转向你旁边的人,看着他们的眼睛,告诉他们“是你做的”。转向坐在你对面的人,告诉他们“是你做的”。 Now give yourselves a hand. Celebrate yourself.


向你们所有人喊话,尤其是阿米尔,安吉,奥古斯特,蔡斯,克里斯贝特,达科塔,艾拉,埃文,伊芙琳,格温,杰米,肯尼,Kiara,露西,米卡拉,穆尔塔扎,奈里,Shiko,托鲁。我今晚能站在这里,全是因为你们。你知道我总是在4点23分之前回家,但我晚上还在这里,都是因为你。而且我们在一起的时间也不多。在你的第一年,我在休假,在你的第二年,COVID发生了,然后我们在zoom上尽最大努力联系,现在我们在这里。在这么短的时间里,你对我产生了巨大的影响。你们坚定了我的信念:这个世界掌握在正确的人手中。你坚定了我的信念另一个世界是可能存在的。你们坚定了我的信念,我们会赢,我们必须赢。我很荣幸今晚能和你们一起庆祝。 And to share the lessons I’ve learned with and from you during your time here.

我得跟你们说实话,我很挣扎。这个世界让我厌倦。我累了。我悲伤。我的心虽忧愁,却欢喜。我的灵仍是快乐的。当我看着你们的时候,我想起了所有的美丽,所有的爱,所有的快乐。这就是关键。这就是我们的生活方式。这就是我们坚持的方式。我想起了我的父母,祖父母,曾祖父母,曾曾祖父母,以及他们如何在奴隶制,吉姆克劳密西西比州,大移民,印第安纳州,纽约州北部幸存下来,他们是如何坚持下去的。 We of like precious faith, who care deeply about how so many of us are made vulnerable by systems and structures that seek to destroy, extract, and exploit, we who put action to our care, who purpose our lives to address the harm we have experienced, the harms we observe, the harms we commit, the harms we hope to prevent, we must persist. We must do good and live well. And how do we live well? Given all that we are faced with? What are the keys to a good life?


美好生活的第一把钥匙:管好你的事。管好你自己的事。我的意思并不是创建一个有限责任公司,然后开始兜售你的产品或打造自己的品牌。我指的不是凝视肚脐和自恋。我的意思是,约束你的思想,专注于你自己。开始放弃告诉别人他们应该做什么或拥有什么,他们值得或不应该得到什么。不要试图去评判、惩罚和控制别人。不要和别人竞争。不要拿自己和别人比较。放下对越来越高的地位和越来越多的资源的追求。 Let go of trying to be better, smarter, faster. You don’t know what other people have, not really. You don’t know what they endured to get it or get there. You don’t know what it costs them. Let go of comparison and competition. Let go of trying to check people you don’t know. Let go of trying to check people you do know. Let go of the shoulds- should be, should do, should have. Focus on what moves you and begin to engage it. Focus on what wounds you, what ails you and begin to heal it. Focus on what fulfills you and pursue it. Focus on what challenges you and work on it. Focus on what intrigues you and try it. Focus on what brings you pleasure and relish it, luxuriate in it, enjoy it. If you’re focusing on you, you won’t have the time or energy to mind other people’s business. And on that magical, mystical, majestical day when you’re invited in, your only response will be, “How can I support you?”.

关注自己的事业能让你做的是下一个关键:与自己和他人建立/保持/保持正确的关系。正直地生活。学会倾听自己,尊重自己,原谅自己,治愈自己,爱自己是至关重要的。它不仅让我们生活得更好,更协调,更充实,它也是我们与他人关系的关键。我们敬爱的adrienne maree brown强调了学习变得非常脆弱、可用、负责任和与他人沟通的重要性。这需要深入倾听,并愿意诚实地分享。这样我们才能更好地互相照顾,也能得到别人的照顾。这种互惠和互惠将使我们度过这一时刻,我认为,最终将拯救我们所有人。


你的人民将帮助你与世界、它的要求和期望、它的谬误和愚蠢保持一致,而是与你自己保持一致。你的朋友会提醒你你是谁,你想在这个世界上怎样表现,你想要你的生活有什么样的感觉,并给你学习、成长和重新调整的空间。当机构和其中的人试图谎称你是谁、你的价值时,这一点至关重要。这在任何时候都是必要的,因为你有机会以与你的价值观不一致的方式积累资源。生活在这个世界上,你必须做出妥协,但你永远不想打乱你那些不容讨价还价的原则。你的人会知道这些,因为你告诉他们。他们会帮你做艰难的决定。他们会支持你度过难关。他们将庆祝胜利。当你按照自己的价值观生活时,你晚上会睡得很好。 And you’ll feel the peace that comes with aligning your actions with your values. And the deep joy that comes with it, even and especially when it’s hard and it costs.

这种一致性会让你知道并理解你的工作是什么。你的工作包括你觉得被召唤去做的事情,被感动去做的事情,不让你放手的事情,你注定要做的事情。如果你还不知道这些东西是什么,没关系。不断尝试,直到你成功为止。享受这个过程。保持空闲,倾听那喋喋不休的尖锐声音,它告诉你这不是它,倾听那依旧微弱的声音告诉你,啊,这就是它。然后,答应我。然后发光!发光!发光! I have a dear friend who is an MD/PhD. She is a doctor that studies infectious diseases, particularly those in her home country of Haiti. She is brilliant and funny and sharp and fun. I was always in awe of her focus and drive, balanced by her capacity for unbridled joy. She was just somehow always getting things done and having fun at the same time. And not just getting things done, but deeply purposeful. I thought I knew and loved her. And I did, but only to a certain level. And then I saw her dance. And her spirit just leapt out. She was flying up there on that stage. And her spirit was revealed in a way that nothing else could. And I saw her, really saw her. And knew her. And the fullness of her beauty took my breath. We all have that level of gifting. We just have to embrace it, step into it. Step into it. For many of us, our work may be different from our job. Know the difference. I feel a deep sense of gratitude that my job and my work have some level of overlap. Teaching you all is a joy. I am committed to ending the carceral state and its roots in racial capitalism and white supremacy. I am committed to eradicating the conditions that create violence. I am committed to our liberation. I use all of my time, talent and resources for what I care about most, my people, my folks. It’s hard and heartbreaking. It’s joyful and filled with and fueled by love. It’s freeing. And I insist on being free. I wouldn’t be able to live any other way. Find what that is for you. Jobs come and go. Wear them loosely. Wear institutions loosely. Your work is the constant. Find it. Do it. Make sure you’re always doing your work.

所以,管好你自己吧。与自己和他人建立良好的关系,保持良好的关系。找到你的人。获得,成为,并保持一致和正直。做好你的工作。知道你的工作和你的工作之间的区别。晚上睡觉。得到休息。小睡。最后,我要和你们这些优秀的同学分享的最后一个秘诀是选择快乐。 Someone said, astutely, this week, “In the midst of continued injustice, we have to cling to our joy. It is our strength.” Our joy is our strength. You are expansive and limitless. You are so many things. Live into that. Love that. As Zora Neale Hurston tells us, sharpen your oyster knife. Live! Put your toes in the sand. Be barefoot in the grass. Feel the sun on your face. Float in the waters. Laugh from your belly. Sing loud and off key. Play. Seek pleasure. Enjoy it. Be sensual. James Baldwin says, to be sensual is to respect and rejoice in the force of life, of life itself and to be present in everything that one does, from the effort of loving to the breaking of bread. Be present. Don’t let anything or anybody steal your joy. Choose it. Every. Day. We fight, and this is what we fight for.

还有希望。我们敬爱的玛丽安·卡巴告诉我们,希望是一门学科。这意味着,即使我们感到无所适从,毫无动力,失去的感觉太大,无法继续下去,我们也要继续工作。我们还活着。我们在呼吸。我们是希望。你是我的希望。我看到你,我很敬畏。你选择去看这个世界,看到它本来的样子,说出真相,然后采取行动。你选择生活和爱。 That is amazing, especially in a time when so many refuse to see, refuse to tell the truth, and fight for the truth to be erased and lies to replace it. You seek out the truth and tell it. Keep living, keep loving. And as our prophet James Baldwin told us, “They are stuck with their history. We are creating ours”. We are creating ours. We are creating ours.


