




BoHee Yoon 01:今晚带给你桑杰说话的目的是分享他非常独特的故事作为一个受过高等教育的黑色和十分Swattie),成为一名警察。一个人成为一个警察。不是教授,医生,律师,劳工组织者,或其他东西,而是一个警察。所以各位校友的颜色给我们的注意力,带来了他的故事,说他的故事是如此引人注目,他的镜头如此特别,他的故事,我们应该学习。尽管把警察说话可能有争议的和潜在的伤害,学习更多关于一个机构的精神的一个主要的中心波公民和人权激进主义和改革目前,我们一致认为,学习如何警察工作从一个我们自己的,我们希望教育是很重要的。和因为Swatties Swatties无论我们走到哪里,即使曾经是警察,我们认为他的过程和学习他的经验将帮助我们了解更多关于反种族主义以及我们如何可以做得更好的斯沃斯莫尔社区。最佳线上娱乐现在我想介绍一下我的2003 co-moderator和班纳特的好朋友谢里夫类。从斯沃斯莫尔谢里夫拥有政治学学士学位,以及MBA学位在弗吉尼亚大学达顿商学院。最佳线上娱乐在过去的几年里,他是专业技术服务,特别是在DevOps空间,并努力帮助软件工程师实现他们的梦想构建完美的代码行。这听起来有点不可思议。 And our featured speaker of course is Officer Sanjay Richards, Class of 2004, of the Yonkers Police Department. Sanjay started out as a Biology and Pre-med major at Swarthmore, and was working on finding a cure for HIV. But changed course and instead graduated as a History Major with a concentration in Black Studies, for reasons that he will discuss this evening. Sanjay was a trained combat medic with the US army as well as a paramedic for the Fire Department of New York, and witnessed many deaths from gang violence and drug overdoses. And he became a police officer in 2015 to help save lives and prevent gang violence and drug overdoses. With that, I will turn it over Sanjay, but before I do that, if you have any questions or comments, please do put them into the chat function; we will start to compile them. And when you do include any comments, please feel free or be sure to include your class year and/or affiliation with the college. Thank you. And here we go, Sanjay.



桑杰:好的。所以在斯沃斯最佳线上娱乐莫尔,我毕业学士在历史上,黑人研究的浓度。从那时起,我进入了军事训练作为战地医生,除了专业的力量,像三角洲特种部队特种部队的空中打击空中。几乎人会跳出飞机和直升机几乎拯救生命。后在军队,我的时间缩短,但我们将讨论,稍后,由于队伍内部的某种形式的种族主义在军队。之后我离开了军队,我成为第一的EMT FDNY然后两到三年之后,我去护理人员通过FDNY学院和学校成为了一名医护人员,我目前还是一个护理人员。所以我一直在做paramedicine约13年,目前我还是练习paramedicine。2015年,我参加了考试,在扬克斯市的警察。所以现在,什么,五年半我一直一名警官在扬克斯市1区,我只有唯一回官现在值班。这部门大约有6%是黑人。 So people have color on the force are about 700.

谢里夫:好的。桑杰之前我们跳转到你作为一个警察,因为我知道每个人都肯定想谈谈。你能把观众通过一步一步的流程是什么第一次注册的军队吗?导致作为你的朋友,这是令人震惊的。你打电话给我在电话里说:“谢里夫我要参军。明天我们要出去。”So yeah, go into a little bit of that please.











桑杰:好的。我被分配到第86战斗支援医院,这是连接到101机载空中打击。这些家伙跳出飞机之类的。我在我的单位,我是E4,因为当你大学毕业,只要你进入军队,你自动获得排名,因为你的大学学位。所以我被撞,我根本就不是一个私人曾经撞到E4的专家立即像是一个下士。所以我等级和士兵脚下,我是谁负责。所以有一天我在外面我公司的房子,我有5名士兵,他们打破他们的武器,清洗它们。有这个人,只是对前两周转入单位。他走到我跟前,说,“孩子,你穿错了t恤”在你的制服。”男孩,你应该吃了。男孩,男孩你能听到我吗?” I said to him, "Listen, you don't know my mother, my father."




桑杰:他大概在25岁。在我的年龄。他就像23 - 24日。他比我年轻,但他有秩,因为他就像早些时候。所以他有一个排在我。所以他觉得他可以说服我,但这不是解决另一个士兵。特别是如果我不是在训练营的培训或,我实际上在一个单元,连接到一个单位,我收我的士兵。你不要在我面前的士兵。




桑杰:大约有五名自己的士兵,然后也许10的另一个警官的士兵。所以他们外面也许15到20人。他们都喜欢看。立即我的士兵时,他说:“男孩,脱掉那件衬衫。男孩,你在错误的衬衫。”They looked at me basically saying, looking at me to see what my reaction was gonna be, because they're like, like I'm training them. So it's like what we are doing now? You gonna let this guy insult you in front of your soldiers?


桑杰:噢,是的,当然。马上他们就像睁大眼睛,看着我,好像在说,“哇!真的吗?”But they're not allowed to speak unless I instruct them to speak. Like that's how it is in there. If you have rank, .




桑杰:哦,所以我基本上对他说,“听着,你不是我的妈妈,还是我的父亲。所以你不能叫我男孩。你,我敢说这一次。”So he said it again and I took up one of the rifles and I put it back together and I hit him in the face with the back part of the rifle. And that was that.








桑杰,我出院了。起初,他们想做一个开除军籍。所以这是一个不光彩的放电等待审判。所以我得到了2007年4月27日出院。审判是在2007年8月。所以我,我的母亲,我的姑姑和一个好朋友了。我们必须雇佣一个律师约10000美元。当我们到法院,律师出来,介绍我的家人和朋友。他说,基本上把我拉在一个角落里,他说,“我认为他应该认罪。”And I said, "What?” Like you talking about the rest of my life right now? Like you basically, you want me to be labeled like how they would label Bin Laden pretty much? Pretty much Osama," Terroristic act in the first degree is pretty much what their charge would be. So I said, “I think you should go in there and I suggest that you speak to your prosecutor friend cause I'm pretty sure you guys know each other and you've gotta work something out cause you talking about the rest of my life right now. Now you're messing with my life and that's not cool. I paid $10,000 just to come out here and tell me, Oh, let's plead. I think you should plead guilty to this. No, absolutely not. I did not provoke that kind of interaction. The Sergeant at that time did." He went in and he was in there for about 30 minutes to 45 minutes. Then he came back out and then they said, Oh, they worked it out. That they'll just dismiss the charge and dismiss all the charges. I had witnesses, spit, pretty much saying that they witnessed him say what he said and that was that. So that dishonorable charge would turn into an honorable discharge.



桑杰:所以他让我告诉你发生了什么事。自从我离开,因为我出院了,别人搬到排名,他上升一个等级。所以他得到了晋升。这就是他。至于像种族歧视在工作中,我只是感觉,听着,我觉得我为全国最大的警察局工作。我要让你们知道的,但它不是完全这个东西,需要固定的很明显。至于种族主义在我的工作。我真的,真的没有喜欢的人有喜欢直接,有人喜欢直接说什么对我做出任何种族的评论。我的意思是,如果他们这样做,他们覆盖很好。但是没有,我没有任何问题。 Especially being the only black officer in my precinct, I haven't had anything. I pretty much worked very well with, but anybody who knows me, I worked well with anyone anyway, but they haven't showed me any kind of racism and anything like that. For me to speak, I'm not gonna say it does make this, It absolutely does in a sense that like officers of color on my job, don't get the same treatment as the white kind of course. Absolutely not. They don't. Say for instance, you're going to a specialized unit, like say canine or, or like ESU, which is like the Emergency Service Unit. They pretty much respond to medical calls. In terms of getting picked for those units. It's pretty much who likes you. And who you know that gets you into the door in my department. That I've seen so far. Because out of 700 officers on the job, they might be, maybe there's actually a physician assistant and a nurse practitioner that I know of and that's about it. So there's only two people who have more medical training than me. Actually I don't think they do have more medical training in terms of years, but they have a higher, higher, like standard of training in terms of being nurse practitioners and physician assistants. And I'm just a mere medic, but I'm also a combat medic who knows more than they would see more, who can do more on a field than they can. Being in the department for about five and a half to six years, nobody ever came to me and said, "Sanjay you're qualified. You're more than qualified to be in the ESU unit. Emergency Service Unit." Nobody like recruited me there, no one, no one, but they recruit other officers who are white and not of color.








桑杰:一旦我出院,我回到家,住在我母亲的地下室。然后我看了看四周,我想,现在我要离开这里了。我得在一起,让我的生活在一起。所以我妈妈一起工作像一个成人日托主任养老院。她几乎把我的文书工作,在那里,为公司管理的医疗补助和医疗保险这样的养老院。所以我做了一段时间,我就像“我斯沃斯莫尔毕业。最佳线上娱乐看我像申请纸。”That's my job filing paper. I'm like, well, all right. So let me go to the military. And one day I sit at my desk, I said, started Googling, how to become a physician in the military? And I got the information. I walked over to the recruiting station, which was literally across the street from where that office was. And I just said, sign me up. He gave me an exam and he's like, "Oh, you scored the highest on this exam in the whole history of this recruit station being here. You can pretty much pick any job you want in the military” and yada, yada yada. So I looked in, I said, "Oh, I wanna be a combat medic." So let's start there and then try to get my feet wet and then try to get into the medical school through them.


桑杰:所以,我开始像编译包,但它需要,首先,我招聘的完蛋了我一点,因为,他知道我有大学,他应该把我军官,军官,他的商务官员,当然,像,变得像一个,像一个少尉的中尉,一个中尉的军队。你大学的时候,尤其是来自像斯沃斯莫尔学院,因为你它应该是像一个指挥官,指挥官,在美国,一个指挥官,就像一个中尉或队长,但最佳线上娱乐更高,更多的高级别官员。所以他没有告诉我任何关于军官学校。我认为他得到了更高的佣金如果他能像普通士兵,像步兵,他们叫他们喜欢战斗的士兵。所以我发送到战斗训练营和所有的东西。我的意思是,它都是正确的。我学到了很多和训练很好,但这并不是我想采取的路线。所以编译时,一个包去医学院,这很困难,因为你需要某些等级的军官学校。和繁重,工作,很难从一个参军,这是一个普通士兵慢慢地向上爬。它需要较长的时间。 So the package can install that. And I just totally forgot about it. And I just got comfortable being a soldier and just, doing my combat medic stuff. And that was that.










桑杰:我怎么跳?我听着,就像我之前所说,我,我的意思是,我没有说,但在我的个人简历,我写道,我哥哥在2000年被谋杀,这是我第二年在斯瓦特和我几乎陷入了深度萧条的状态。导致我的兄弟,我们来自同一个母亲,父亲相同。我有两个兄弟姐妹,但它们是不同的。从一个不同的父亲。我妈妈再婚,但我仍然认为我的同胞兄弟。来自牙买加,但我的意思是,这只是在牙买加长大的我和他,我和他从牙买加到这里来。他看起来对我来说。每当我想去街上,他更多的是街上的人。我们住在附近很恶心。 So, Sanjay go to school. But he was the one that made sure I was safe in the street. Cause that neighborhood was pretty tough. And being a medic for FDNY, I was a medic in the South Bronx, which is high crime in terms of homicides and drug use and drug sales and drug overdose. I saw a lot of, lot of, lot of like young people of color. They would talk about Hispanics, even white folks were there too. There are a lot who are overdosing on heroin and stuff like that. There's a lot that I saved, but then there are some I couldn't have saved. Even teenager like kids, then it pretty much. I have a daughter who's about to be a teenager and I saw like teens overdosing there. So I, I said like, as a medic I could, I could make a difference this way, or I could also make a difference being a police officer, like stopping it at, at his root. And, and so I joined up for the police department in 2015 because, but I also still maintain my paramedic license or certificate per se. And I still practice as a paramedic as well. Jumping from Swarthmore to being a police officer. I mean, I explained that that's the main reason behind it. And I still wanna do, I still wanna go to medical school, but at this point in my life, I've done 13 years for FDNY right. And between 10 and 13 years for FDNY. And I'm now almost six years here, My time from FDNY,they gave me about four years. And then I have six years. So on paper, I have 10 years time in police work. So only have to do maybe. And also I could buy it back military time. So when I buy back my military time, they give me another three years. So 10 plus three, that's 13. So I have another seven years to retire. I could retire in seven years right now, and with a great pension, with six figure pension easily. And I think I'm just gonna ride it out. Whatever dreams and aspirations I have of becoming a doctor, I'll start working on it. I'm gonna enroll in PA school for the fall, this coming. So, and then work from there. If I decide I want to be a physician or whatnot. So that's where I'm at right now.






桑杰:噢,是的。我们可以这么做。下面,让我先谈论我的邻居在我到达斯沃斯莫尔。最佳线上娱乐在斯沃斯莫尔,最佳线上娱乐我用来挂在街上的人将被视为indesirables或人们不可取,帮派党本身。但是他们来自我的邻居。他们是我的朋友,他们是熟悉的面孔,像,每个人都在他们的社区长大,他们有朋友,但那些人是我的朋友,因为我生长在这样的区域。这就是我看到当我走出。有几个夏天我不得不逃离警察,因为看到我在后院与一些女孩从窗口之类的。然后我看到警察来了,但是我没有看到我的朋友我知道被一帮乐队。我看到他们第一次运行。 And obviously I'm not gonna, I ran track at Swarthmore too, by the way. So yeah they would start and I'll run them out, run past them and jump over fences and run away. But they were the first ones to go because they had guns and stuff like that. Not that I knew of it. They didn't let me see it, but I knew they had. At Swarthmore, it gets a Swarthmore system, had a few interactions with the police. So one night there was, out with the new guys, like the guys from Black and Swat right now, was not knowing anything about this because that fraternity got disbanded. So there's a Delta, what did they call it? DU, what's the correct name for that? Absolutely. Yeah. So something like that. Actually my generic accent, I pronounce things differently. So the DU pretty much had a big party. I had some friends who were visiting me from the neighborhood, the old neighborhood. They're coming from the old neighborhood in New York. So they came down for the weekend. See what college life was. I always tried to like show them what college life is, that the neighborhood would come from isn't really, the end all be all that. Now there's a bigger life out there, there's different people out here. So I always try to like, have them come down for a day or so. Interact with people and see a different life, see some trees, cause the trees don't grow in the Bronx and all that. Bring some fresh air or something. But on that night DU was having a big party. So we went and there was a big fight that broke out supposedly there. There was a fight that broke out at the party. And me and my friends, we left and we went back to my room. About maybe 15 minutes, 20 minutes later, after leaving the party, we hear this banging at the door, I open up the door and it's officers from the town, from Swarthmore the town. And they like grab me and my friends and pull us outside the room and shove our faces up against the wall. And they asking us for the drugs and the guns. Meanwhile the person, the member of the fraternity of DU that got assaulted, got assaulted with bare fists. And here comes, Oh where's the drugs and the guns. And I'm like, what, what are you, what are you talking? I go to Swarthmore. I go here, like what, I would never invite people who are gonna bring guns and drugs over here. Like not like that. Like, so that was, that was to do big, to do. I mean the black and Swat, the BCC?So pretty much all the black students and not only all the black students. Cause you know how Swarthmore is. When one group starts rattling every group, every group join and no matter what color, race, creed, or anything. Everybody jumps in and they jump in with you and fight for the cause. And then that basically the next day there was a march and pretty much a whole campus came out. And, we was talking about police brutality and how they handled the situation during that time. Yeah and that's it. Yeah that's my story for sophomore year.


桑杰:好吧,我也知道警察警察行为如何改变当我得到?最初没有。我仍然有一些担心…把它这样。甚至作为一个警察,当我下班,我打扮成某种样子。我感到舒适的穿着一种特定的方式,因为这是我习惯的方式在城市,人们称之为城市齿轮等等。我开车的有色漂亮,它的真正的黑暗。所以当我不值班,我被拉过去。是的,我仍然担心我的生活。我真的,因为首先,我携带武器不当班。 And that's even more dangerous than somebody just driving around in a tinted car, who has no weapons. Cause the first thing, they they're already on edge. Cops are already on edge when they see a car tinted dark and he cannot see inside. Cause yes, I do have limo's tints around my vehicle. Which is a bit much I admit, but the reason why I have it that dark is when, when I drive around in the streets, when I'm not working, I do not want people who I have arrested looking into my car and say, That's the guy who locked me up yesterday. And something like that. That's the reason why I have it that way. But to give you an example, one day I was driving by the Bronx zoo, I get pulled over by a two Hispanic cops. And they walk up to the vehicle. They approached the vehicle. I would give them a signal. I put down all my windows. I turned my car off. And I throw the keys on top of the roof and put my hands on the steering wheel. That's a good sign. Cause they know that's usually a law enforcement or, somebody law enforcement or somebody who knows about rules of engagement and stuff like that. So I try to deescalate, make him feel, a little bit more I think by doing that. So officer approaches me and he goes, Oh, he didn't even say why. He told me license and registration. I say to him I'm off duty. I'm a youngest police officer off duty. Is there something I could help you with? He goes like it's your tint. And I put my ID behind my license and he looked at it and he just throws my ID, both my driver's license and my work ID back on me. And I said, what? I hope you have a better day. That, that was it. And then I took off. So yeah, I mean having a weapon too off duty, cause sometimes maybe I stretch and my shirt is up and having an officer, pull you over. And they, the first thing they see is a gun. Most likely they'll draw down their weapon on you, pull their weapon and you, until they verify, who you are. So that's very dangerous. Being a cop off duty, especially a black cop, it is very, very, very, very dangerous. We see what's happening in the news with people who don't even have weapons. So that's a very dangerous thing. I lost my train of thought.


桑杰:我认为他们已经开始招聘办公室适合巡逻的地区的人口。这并不是交给任何人只是因为你的父亲,你的祖父。它不像,“哦,让我们通过这个盾牌。”Because in some departments they do that. Some department they hand you a shield from generation to generation. I don't feel that that's right. That does not have in my department. If you cannot score a 90 or above on that exams, you will not get hired no matter who your father or your grandpa or anybody is. That's the difference between my department and most departments here in the country. It's not handed to you, that's earned.


桑杰:两个。因为当你出现在现场,你知道有人很容易降低。如果局势紧张,那么你想要降低。所以很容易看到的。最好是看到了一张熟悉的面孔。一件事,就像我说的,例如,在我的工作,就像很多时间你听到广播,“哦,我可以得到一个拉美裔军官在这里翻译什么的?”I feel like they should be in every, Hispanic or people who speak different languages should be readily available. Not that let's call, put it over the air for somebody from one precinct who was driving across the city just to get to you. It should be officers who speak different languages or who have different skillsets. They should be in every precinct, They should have that. Wait until like an appointed time. Oh, we need them now. And I need them to rush across city. that that could be dangerous. Are you rushing across city? Or you get into another accident, kill you, get their alive.


桑杰:首先我认为他们应该有更多的招聘。你走进社区,与人民。我的部门是相当不错的。他们喜欢咖啡与警察或他们喜欢,警察晚上他们做嘉年华类型事件的地方。和警察坐在一个扣篮坦克和甩了孩子们。给你。这是很像,这是一种报复警察。如果你对其他警官,你可以把你的注意力从按这个用户,这个老板,转储坦克的官,差不多,不像我们虐待任何人在我们部门。我的意思是,我的知识。我们这样做。 I feel like they should go out more into the community and set up tables and speak to people in the neighborhood and be very, very clear. Cause what I realize they leave it open. For example, my department, Oh, it's time for the exam. They put out commercials on TV. It's on cable TV. What about the people who don't have cable TV, or have access to watching those commercials? There should be a way like, maybe in a library or something like that. You set up a tent or something like that. We tell people in the community. Most of the areas are pretty poor. There's only a few sectors. Like the area work is the nicest and most rich area in the inner city. But not everybody has access to TV and the internet and stuff like that. So a lot of commercials and stuff like that, or applications online won't get done because they can't do when you don't have a printer, you don't have a computer. You have to give everybody equal access to things, equal opportunity to apply. They're brilliant folks there, but they don't have the resources to, to actually start the process. Even filling out application and stuff like that. So they could do better in terms of recruiting.


桑杰:所以我听到在我的城市,我听见他们说,哦,也许你应该得到像,对情绪困扰的人我们称之为电子数据处理。EDP卡尔,也许你应该只有一个社会工作者做出回应。你不需要一个警察。所有他们需要一个可以谈心的对象,但现在发生了什么,如果这种情绪困扰的人从他们的药物和社会工作者的出现,他们刺死的社会工作者。然后呢?你告诉我,社会工作者要扮演警察的角色?我不这么想。你可能不会使用尽可能多的官员通常会回应,电话。你可能会降低数字,让更多的人喜欢社会工作者之类的。我的意思是,你可以分配这些资金。 But you have to do it in a safe manner is what I'm saying.




桑杰:没错。因此,正如我所说的,这从来没有发生在我的部门。但我只能说喜欢弗罗曼官的角度来看,一个黑色的官。黑人的生活,所有的生命,但黑人的生活,,你可以看到像真正重要的生命物质,但是它是有点,很难在气候是一个警察,要少得多,一个黑色的官。因为现在,喜欢你有点挑出作为汤姆叔叔。来了,就像,该死的令牌来了黑人,他是,他与这些人的。他现在是这个群体的一部分。得到,得到集中在得到标记和标签,像猪或者他们叫猪之类的。显然,官员的人,我们每天出去,我们穿上制服。我的意思是,我知道我的意图。 My intentions are real. And nothing I do is, I don't play pretend. I really don't. As for officers, the offices at my job. They put on a uniform and they go out there and they do the job. You could look it up. There's barely, It's very rare that you hear anything about Yankers PD on the news. If you haven't seen it, you hear about NYPD of course, they have a bigger group down there. So of course he's going to be more bad apples in a bunch. So as for me, I put on the uniform, I go out there to work. The department is working on being more transparent in terms of, I heard, we're getting body cameras, which a lot of people have fought against in the past. And I don't see the reason why. The excuses like, Oh, the data is expensive to store this and that. But I call BS. When I see stuff like that. I say BS, because I don't feel like it's necessary to have certain things in a policy. I feel like if you're going to go by old policies, say for instance, we were banned from going into the city, into New York city to assist them in anything because they banned the choke hold down there. And to me, that's like, I know a lot of people who, The Commissioner probably won't be happy with me saying this, I really don't respect that part. The issue is why. Why do you need to have choke hold in the Bronx? Yes you could use the choke hold if your life is in danger. If it comes to life or death. In terms of a scuffle or a fight or a struggle for your life, you can use a choke hold. But kneeling on somebody's neck and not rendering aid to them. That's the first thing as a paramedic. I'm always like hands on. Let's get this person on an ambulance. Let's get them somewhere. Let's turn them on this side. Let's let recumbent, let's, let's open up their airway. Let's, do stuff like that. That's the first thing I think of. I'm more a medic first and then a police officer. But I mean, you have to balance the two and to say, Oh, you can't go into the city to assist NYPD. That's just BS because, Oh, you're upset about banning the choke hold. So you do wanna keep some old policies on books. So you have the option of violating somebody's right or are oppressing somebody. To me that's just dead wrong. I don't care who wants to be upset about that.


桑杰:这是一个艰难的和一个大的。成长的过程中,我总是说:“哦,有一天,Imma开一个诊所在一个贫穷的社区”是我最大的梦想,打开像一个诊所的一个贫穷的社区,提供免费医疗等人没有,资金或资源,某些种类的医疗援助或帮助。最佳线上娱乐斯沃斯莫尔一直是一个地方,它有点像这个地方你去当你的梦想。当你去斯瓦特,你变成这样,我要见面,一个大梦想家。你要改变你的社区或斯沃斯莫尔之后无论你走到哪里。最佳线上娱乐斯沃斯莫尔的方式。最佳线上娱乐它开辟了伟大的梦想。我就在这里,你学到很多东西,你的教授,他们塑造你。他们鼓励这样的思考,更多的全球观点,不仅仅像一个鸟瞰,世界观,他们的模型。就我个人而言,每一个斯沃斯莫尔,我已经指示教授有点试图塑造你,试图让你变成一个大梦想家。最佳线上娱乐这是大事情的思考。 I'm still looking to make a difference on the streets. It's hard especially at these times and it's hard being a black officer out here. Especially cause they look at you different now. He's like, Oh yeah, you're just one of them. You're just trying to kill your own. It's even worse now y'all all the time. It's bad but nobody has ever really disrespected me seriously. I never had that. I think it's because of the way, the group of people that are associated with in Swarthmore that that helps in terms of dealing with people on the streets and even the medical field. You create a good rapport with your patients. You create a good rapport with victims and suspects. Even suspect they come around to me. Thank you. Because they are at the end of the day, sometimes you're the one that caused that change. You locked them up and then they changed their life around for the better. So it's always about big dreams man.




桑杰:我也想下去如果你不介意的话,从过去的Swatties发布了一些问题,我要通过运行。如果你不介意的话,很快就回答他们,我觉得没有什么,没有了。喂?所以,这个问题是68年从克里斯国王的。他想知道,退役军人把战斗的态度和创伤后应激障碍进入警察部队?是的我看过一些的警察部队。我看到它在其他部门不一定扬克斯。是的,没有问题,但我看到它像其他部门。也有人问。让我们看看一些关于同性恋和女同性恋。 Okay. So I'm Chris King ‘68 again. Is it possible to comfortable to be a gay or lesbian officer of color on the police force? In Yonkers is definitely, we encourage, we have a few gays and lesbians on the job. One of my partners was a lesbian female who, she's Native American, she's a percentage of black, white, the whole rainbow, the whole thing. And nobody makes fun of you. It's all love. And they welcome that. And then I think everything else was touched on.






