


Portley, M。,& Durgin, F. H. (2019). The second number-estimation elbow: Are visual numbers greater than 20 evaluated differently?注意、知觉和心理物理学,81年,1512 - 1521。doi: 10.3758 / s13414 - 019 - 01804 - 6PDF

Durgin, f . H。,& Keezing, U. I. (2018). Differential angular expansion in perceived direction in azimuth and elevation are yoked to the presence of a perceived ground plane.视野,2,17日,doi: 10.3390 / vision2020017。开放获取

Keezing,我。,& Durgin, F. H. (2018). Do explicit estimates of angular declination become ungrounded in the presence of a ground plane?.i-Perception 9 (5),22页,doi: 10.1177 / 2041669518808536。开放获取

李,Z。,& Durgin, F. H. (2018). Does perceived angular declination contribute to perceived optical slant on level ground?注意、知觉和心理物理学,80年,1609 - 1618。doi: 10.3758 / s13414 - 018 - 1536 - 5

锡伯杜,p . T。Sikos, L。,& Durgin, F. H. (2018). Are subjective ratings of metaphors a red herring? The Big Two dimensions of metaphoric sentences.现年50岁的行为研究方法759 - 772。doi: 10.3758 / s13428 - 017 - 0903 - 9

Durgin, f . H。,& Li, Z. (2017). Why do hills look so steep? In A. Shapiro and D. Todorovic (eds.)牛津纲要的视觉幻想。牛津大学出版社。PDF

Durgin, f . h (2017)。对位:区分认知和判断的空间布局。心理科学观点,12,344 - 346。PDF

李,Z。,& Durgin, F. H. (2017). A large-scale horizontal-vertical illusion produced with small objects separated in depth.实验心理学杂志》:人类感知和表现,43岁1473 - 1479 . doi: 10.1037 / xhp0000426PDF

院长,a . M。,哦,J。,Thomson, C., Norris, C. J., & Durgin, F. H. (2016). Do individual differences and aging effects in the estimation of geographical slant reflect cognitive or perceptual effects?i-Perception 7 (4)队。doi: 10.1177 / 2041669516658665开放获取

克莱恩,b . J。李,Z。,& Durgin, F. H. (2016). Large perceptual distortions of locomotor action space occur in ground based coordinates: Angular expansion and the large scale horizontal-vertical illusion.实验心理学杂志》:人类感知和表现,42,581 - 593。PDF

李,Z。,& Durgin, F. H. (2016). Perceived azimuth direction is exaggerated: Converging evidence from explicit and implicit measures.杂志的视觉,16 (1):4,-。开放获取

谢弗,d . M。McManama E。,& Durgin, F. H. (2015). Manual anchoring biases in slant estimation affect matches even for near surfaces.心理环境通报与评论,22岁,1665 - 1670。PDF

威廉姆斯,m . j . C。,& Durgin, F. H. (2015). Direct manipulation of perceived angular declination affects perceived size and distance: A replication and extension of Wallach and O'Leary (1982).注意、知觉和心理物理学,77年,1371 - 1378。开放获取

科尔曼,。,& Durgin, F. H. (2014). Egocentric reference frame bias in the palmar haptic perception of surface orientation.心理环境通报与评论,21岁,955 - 960。PDF

Durgin, f . h (2014)。角规模扩张理论和自我中心的距离在运动空间的错觉。心理学和神经科学,7,253 - 260。PDF开放获取

谢弗,d . M。McManama E。炫耀,C。,Williams, M., & Durgin, F. H. (2014). Anchoring in action: Manual estimates of slant are powerfully biased toward initial hand orientation and are correlated with verbal report.实验心理学杂志》:人类感知和表现,40岁,1203 - 1212。PDF

Durgin, f . h (2013)。手知道山吗?在上下文中解释Taylor-Covill和伊夫斯(2013)。Acta Psychologica 144,451 - 458。开放获取

李,z & Durgin p.h. (2013)。深度压缩基于mis-scaling双眼差异可能导致角扩张感知光倾斜。杂志的视觉,13 (12):3队。开放获取

李,Z。,Sun, E., Strawser, C. J., Spiegel, A., Klein, B., & Durgin, F. H. (2013). On the anisotropy of perceived ground extents and the interpretation of walked distance as a measure of perception.实验心理学杂志》:人类感知和表现,39岁,477 - 493。PDF

谢弗,d . M。McManama E。炫耀,C。,& Durgin, F. H. (2013). Sugar and space? Not the case: Effects of low blood glucose on slant estimation are mediated by beliefs.i-Perception 4,147 - 155。开放获取

Stigliani,。李,Z。,& Durgin, F. H. (2013). Humans have precise knowledge of familiar geographical slants.实验心理学杂志:学习、记忆和认知,39岁,1966 - 1973。PDF

锡伯杜,P。,Peebles, M. M., Grodner, D. J., & Durgin, F. H. (2013). The wished-for always wins until the winner was inevitable all along: Motivated reasoning and belief bias regulate emotion during elections.政治心理学。doi: 10.1111 / pops.12100

Chettih, S。,Durgin, f . H。,& Grodner, D. (2012). Mixing metaphors in the cerebral hemispheres: What happens when careers collide?实验心理学杂志:学习记忆和认知,38,295 - 311。PDF

Durgin, f . H。克莱恩,B。,Spiegel, A., Strawser, C. J., & Williams, M. (2012). The social psychology of perception experiments: Hills, backpacks, glucose and the problem of generalizability.实验心理学杂志:38岁的人类感知和性能,1582 - 1595。PDF公共访问

Durgin, f . H。,Leonard-Solis, K., Masters, O., Schmelz, B., & Li, Z. (2012). Expert performance by athletes in the verbal estimation of spatial extents does not alter their perceptual metric of space.i-Perception 3 (5),357 - 367。开放获取

Durgin, f . H。,& Li, Z. (2012). Spatial biases and the haptic experience of surface orientation. In A. El Saddik (ed.),触觉渲染和应用程序Intech(页75 - 94)的哲理。开放获取

李,Z。,& Durgin, F. H. (2012). A comparison of two theories of perceived distance on the ground plane: The angular expansion hypothesis and the intrinsic bias hypothesis.i-Perception 3,368 - 383。开放获取

李,Z。,& Durgin, F. H. (2012). Manual matching of perceived surface orientation is affected by arm posture: Evidence of calibration between proprioception and visual experience in near space.大脑研究实验,216年,299 - 309。PDF公共访问

Durgin, f . H。DeWald D。,Lechich, S., Li, Z., & Ontiveros, Z. (2011). Action and motivation: Measuring perception or strategies?心理环境通报与评论,18岁,1077 - 1082。PDF公共访问

Durgin p.h. Hajnal。李,Z。,Tonge, N., & Stigliani, A. (2011). An imputed dissociation might be an artifact: Further evidence for the generalizability of the observations of Durgin et al. 2010.Acta Psychologica 138,281 - 284。PDF

Durgin, f . H。,& Li, Z. (2011). The perception of 2D orientation is categorically biased.杂志的视觉,11 (8):13,1 - 10。开放获取

Durgin, f . H。,& Li, Z. (2011). Perceptual scale expansion: An efficient angular coding strategy for locomotor space.注意,感知和心理物理学,73年,1856 - 1870。PDF公共访问

Hajnal,。,Abdul-Malak, D. T., & Durgin, F. H. (2011). The perceptual experience of slope by foot and by finger.实验心理学杂志》:人类感知和表现,37岁,709 - 719。PDF

李,Z。,& Durgin, F. H. (2011). Design, data and theory regarding a digital hand inclinometer: A portable device for studying slant perception.行为研究方法,43岁,363 - 371。PDF公共访问

李,Z。,Phillips, J., & Durgin, F. H. (2011). The underestimation of egocentric distance: Evidence from frontal matching tasks.注意,感知和心理物理学,73年,2205 - 2217。PDF公共访问

桑德斯,j . a . & Durgin f . h (2011)。适应矛盾的视觉和物理方向在走。杂志的视觉,11 (3):15,1 - 10。开放获取

锡伯杜,p . H。,& Durgin, F. H. (2011). Metaphor aptness and conventionality: A processing fluency account.隐喻和象征,26岁,206 - 226。PDF

Durgin p.h. Hajnal。李,Z。,Tonge, N., & Stigliani, A. (2010). Palm boards are not action measures: An alternative to the two-systems theory of geographical slant perception.Acta Psychologica 134,182 - 197。PDF

Durgin, f . H。李,Z。,& Hajnal, A. (2010). Slant perception in near space is categorically biased: Evidence for a vertical tendency.注意,感知和心理物理学,72年,1875 - 1889。PDF

Durgin, f . H。,& Li, Z. (2010). Controlled interaction: Strategies for using virtual reality to study perception.行为研究方法,42,414 - 420。PDF

李,z & Durgin p.h. (2010)。倾斜的双眼观看大型表面:常见模型显式和隐式的措施。杂志的视觉,10 (14):13硕士论文。开放获取

Durgin, f . h (2009)。走路时感觉更好。目前的方向在《心理科学》,18岁,43-47。PDF

Durgin, f . H。,Baird, J. A., Greenburg, M., Russell, R., Shaughnessy, K., & Waymouth, S. (2009). Who is being deceived? The experimental demands of wearing a backpack.心理环境通报与评论,16岁,964 - 969。PDF

Grodner D。,Pietsch, C., & Durgin, F. H. (2009). The use of categorical features in adult spatial reorientation.美国2009的认知科学学会会议上(页280 - 285)。阿姆斯特丹:荷兰。PDF

李,Z。,& Durgin, F. H. (2009). Downhill slopes look shallower from the edge.杂志的视觉,9 (11):61 - 15,。开放获取

Durgin, f . H。,船长,M。,Gallistel, C. R., & Haiken, W. (2008). The precision of locomotor odometry in humans.大脑研究实验,193年,429 - 436。DOI 10.1007 / s00221 - 008 - 1640 - 1。PDF

Durgin, f . h (2008)。纹理密度适应和视觉数字再现。现代生物学,18,R855-R856。doi: 10.1016 / j.cub.2008.07.053

Durgin, f . H。柯南道尔,E。,& Egan, L. (2008). Upper-left gaze bias reveals competing search strategies in a reverse Stroop task.Acta Psychologica 127,428 - 448。PDF

锡伯杜,P。,& Durgin, F. H. (2008). Productive figurative communication: Conventional metaphors facilitate the comprehension of related novel metaphors.杂志的记忆和语言,58岁,521 - 540。PDF

Durgin, f . H。,& Gigone, K. (2007). Enhanced optic flow speed discrimination while walking: Multisensory tuning of visual coding.知觉,36,,1465 - 1475PDF

Durgin, f . H。埃文斯,L。,Dunphy, N., Klostermann, S. & Simmons, K. (2007). Rubber hands feel the touch of light.心理科学,18,152 - 157。PDF

Durgin, f . H。、苇、C。,& Tigue, C. (2007). Step frequency and perceived self-motion.ACM交易应用感知,4 (1):5,收窄。PDF

Durgin, f . H。福克斯,l F。,Schaffer, E., & Whitaker, R. (2005). The perception of linear self-motion. In B. E. Rogowitz, T. N. Pappas, S. J. Daly (Eds.)人类的视觉和电子成像X,学报SPIE-IS&T电子成像,有5666卷(页503 - 514)。PDF

Durgin, f . H。Gigone, K。,& Scott, R. (2005). The perception of visual speed while moving.实验心理学杂志》:人类感知和表现,31日,339 - 353。PDF

Durgin, f . H。Pelah,。,Fox, L. F., Lewis, J., Kane, R., & Walley, K. A. (2005). Self-motion perception during locomotor recalibration: More than meets the eye.实验心理学杂志》:人类感知和表现,31日,398 - 419。PDF

Banton, t。,Stefanucci, J., Durgin, F. H., Fass, A., & Proffitt, D. R. (2005). The perception of walking speed in a virtual environment.存在:遥控机器人和虚拟环境中,14,394 - 406。PDF

混乱,r . M。,& Durgin, F. H. (2005). Distance perception and the visual horizon in head-mounted displays.交易应用感知,2,234 - 250。PDF

Durgin, f . H。福克斯,l F。,& Kim, D. H. (2003). Not letting the left leg know what the right leg is doing: Limb-specific locomotor adaptation to sensory-cue conflict.心理科学,16,567 - 572。PDF

Durgin, f . h (2003)。翻译和内部表示反向斯特鲁普效应之间的竞争。知觉和心理物理学,65年,367 - 378。PDF

Durgin, f . H。,& Sternberg, S. (2002). The time of consciousness and vice versa.意识与认知,11,284 - 290。PDF

Durgin, f . h (2002)。小叮当的效果:运动知觉和错觉。意识研究学报,9,88 - 101PDF

Durgin, f . h (2001)。纹理对比后遗症是单眼;纹理密度后遗症双目。视觉研究,41岁,2619 - 2630。

Durgin, f . H。,& Hammer, J. T. (2001). Visual aftereffects of sequential perception: Dynamic adaptation to changes in texture density and contrast.视觉研究,41岁,2607 - 2617。PDF

Durgin, f . h (2000)。反向斯特鲁普效应心理环境通报与评论,7,121 - 125。

拉切特,J。,Durgin, f . H。,& Washington, T. (2000). Disappearing percepts: Evidence for retention failure in metacontrast masking.视觉认知,7,269 - 279。

Durgin, f . h (1999)。支持大的错觉直接感知:内隐学习在s R Hameroff眼球运动控制中,a . w . Kaszniak和d·j·查尔默斯对科学意识的三世(页179 - 188)。剑桥:麻省理工学院出版社。

Durgin p.h. & Pelah a (1999)。Visuomotor适应没有视力。大脑研究实验,127年,12 - 18。

拉切特,J。,& Durgin, F. H. (1999). Metacontrast Masking functions: A question of speed?实验心理学杂志》:人类感知和表现,25岁,936 - 947。

Durgin p.h. & Huk, a . c (1997)。纹理密度后遗症人工和自然纹理的感觉。37岁的视觉研究,3273 - 3282。PDF

Durgin p.h.沃尔夫& s . e . (1997)。全球优先在视觉搜索?没那么快:证据而不是斜的效果知觉,26,321 - 332。

Durgin, f . h (1996)。视觉后效纹理密度取决于颜色的框架知觉和心理物理学,58岁,207 - 223。

Durgin p.h. & Proffitt d r (1996)。视觉学习的感觉质地:质地密度的简单及或有后遗症。空间视觉,9,423 - 474。

Durgin, f . h (1995)。纹理密度适应和numerosity和纹理的分布。实验心理学杂志》:人类感知和表现,21岁,149 - 169。PDF

Durgin, f . H。,Proffitt, D. R., Olson, T. J. & Reinke, K.S. (1995). Comparing depth from motion with depth from binocular disparity.实验心理学杂志》:人类感知和表现,21岁,679 - 699。PDF

Durgin, f . H。,Tripathy, S. P. & Levi, D. M. (1995).填写的视觉盲点:一些经验法则。知觉,24,827 - 840。PDF

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Durgin, f . H。福克斯,l F。刘易斯,J。,& Walley, K. (2002). Perceptuomotor adaptation: More than meets the eye.抽象的社会心理环境,7,103 - 104。幻灯片

Durgin, f . h (1999)。(错觉)感知的视觉细节:材质和面孔。感知,28(补充),43岁。

Durgin, f . h (1999)。一个模型的纹理密度编码。调查眼科及视觉科学,40,售价。

Durgin, f . H。,& Cole, R. (1997).结构密度后遗症填平和抑制部分纹理调查眼科及视觉科学,38,S636。

菲律宾新人民军,a . C。,Durgin, f . H。,Banton, t。部,D。,Lewis, D. A., Gold, S., & Jain, R. (1997).以外的橡皮铅笔错觉:持久性调查眼科及视觉科学,38,S378。
